Chapter 24

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Dad Joke of the Day: I am terrified of elevators, I'm going to start taking steps to avoid them...

Chapter 24

The day seemed to have been going by slowly. Mia's shift at work stretched for hours and hours, the music not able to distract her from her personal problems. She still held a generic smile as to not tip off any of her customers, but all she could think about was Baekhyun how she messed everything up.

The walk home is chilly, reflecting the cold feeling in her heart. Wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm, Mia walked alone from the bus stop to her place, late at night. Her phone usually blows up from texts from Baekhyun. They are usually random, and asking how she's doing. Tonight is a different story though. Not a single notification from him.

Knowing it's completely her fault, Mia contemplates how she should go about to fix things. Should she give him space or should she try to talk to him? He seemed pretty upset this afternoon and Mia can't blame him. She would be upset too if Baekhyun hung out with a woman he had an intimate relationship with and not tell her. It wasn't exactly a relationship though. It was a onetime thing. Mia tries to reason with herself but deep down she knows there's no excuse for what she did. All she can do now is apologize and hope Baekhyun has it in his heart to forgive her.

The dark circles that occupy the space under Mia's eyes are unavoidable. After returning home last night, she spent 3 hours studying then woke up at 6:30 in the morning to attend her 8 am class and now she's at the restaurant, only halfway through her shift. The yawns keep making an appearance every 5 minutes, drawing pitiful looks from her coworkers.

Luckily, the café is only mildly busy today, so Mia has time to regain her composure.

When she only has a half an hour left of her shift, Mia spots Lucky at one of the tables in her vicinity. With a welcomed smile, Mia makes her way over to him.

"Lucky, hey!" Mia smiles at the familiar face.

Lucky takes a look at Mia and a frown etches on his face. "You look terrible."

Mia frowns mockingly, knowing that it's true. "Gee, thanks."

"Lately it seems like the only place I can catch you is at work so I'm taking something to go today." Lucky comments.

Mia's heart drops at the slew of lies that she's about to serve. "Sorry, I've just been studying late lately. School's kicking my butt."

A concerned look masks Lucky's face. "You should take it easy. Don't over work yourself."

"I'll be fine," Mia reassures with a smile. "Anyways, what can I get you?"

"The usual, love." Lucky winks.

"One chicken pesto pasta to go, coming up."

Mia places the bag of food on the table, startling Lucky from his phone. "Thanks," he says as he inspects the contents nonchalantly.

"Texting Sehun?" Mia teases.

A small smile appears on Lucky's face. "Maybe."

Looking around, Mia makes sure she's not needed before continuing with conversation.

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