Chapter 26

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This chapter is going to be all fluff and cheese so I thought I'd start with extra cheddar by thanking you guys. Thank you for reading, I really appreciate you all! Thank you for your comments and thoughts, I read them all and try to reply to each and every one of you. You motivate me to keep writing and just make me happy with your encouraging words. I know I'm not the best writer out there but I do try my best, my problem is that I don't read over it when I'm done to fix any errors, cuz I'm lazy tbh. But thank you nonetheless, and I hope you'll continue supporting me!!!

Dad Joke of the Day: Don't trust atoms. They make up everything!

Chapter 26

For the first time in days, Mia wakes up with a wide smile on her face. Rested and happy, she feels more relaxed than she has this whole past week. The best part of it all though, is waking up to Baekhyun's face. Mia groans in protest as Baekhyun wakes her up at 6 on the dot but she can't argue since she asked for it. As she trudges slowly to the bathroom, Baekhyun leaves her to get ready for the day.

Fortunately Mia had showered just last night so she doesn't feel the need to shower again. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she makes her way to the kitchen where she hears Baekhyun moving around. Mia is only clothed in one of Baekhyun's white shirts that goes a bit past her butt and her panties.

Once she's in the vicinity of the kitchen, Baekhyun abandons what he's doing and goes to greet Mia.

Cupping her cheeks and pulling her towards him, Baekhyun slants his lips over Mia's. The kiss is short and sweet. "Are we less grumpy now?" Baekhyun jokes, still holding on to Mia, referring to his attempt at waking Mia up earlier and almost getting cussed at.

"Mmm, kiss me like that again and maybe," Mia says closing her eyes and pouting her lips expectantly.

With a chuckle, Baekhyun presses his lips to Mia's again, this time a bit longer and with a bit more movement. Mia holds on to Baekhyun's sides by his shirt and stands on her tip toes to deepen the kiss. Her grip on his shirt tightens as their mouths dance together. Their lips move smoothly in sync but Baekhyun pulls away before tongues are involved.

"Come on, I'll make you breakfast," Baekhyun says before placing a short kiss on Mia's lips one last time.

Baekhyun heads back to the countertop and continues cracking eggs for the pancake batter. Walking behind him, Mia peers inside the bowl over Baekhyun's shoulder.

"What can I help you with?" Mia asks, resting her chin on Baekhyun's shoulder and wrapping her arms around his torso in a back hug.

Once he's done with the eggs, Baekhyun turns around and puts his hands on Mia's waist, dragging her towards the countertop right next to him. "You can sit right here and look pretty," He says as he easily hoists Mia up so she can sit next to him while he works.

"I can do that!" Mia nods her head enthusiastically, making Baekhyun laugh.

Mia sits silently, watching Baekhyun do his magic. They are both quiet but it's not awkward. A small smile threatens to appear on Mia's lips as she watches Baekhyun make her breakfast. Its times like these that she can't believe how lucky she is. Even though Baekhyun would definitely argue, she still believes that she doesn't deserve someone like him. Thoughtful, loving, gentle, chivalrous, and much more that words can't begin to describe. Mia's heart constricts in joy as she takes in the barrage of emotions that threaten to overwhelm her.

Looking around, Mia eyes the chocolate syrup that's placed right next to her. Picking it up, she pours a small amount on her index finger and puts the container away. Before she can move a muscle though, she feels a hand taking hold of her wrist. With a bit of surprise, she makes eye contact with Baekhyun.

"You shouldn't play with your food," Baekhyun chides playfully before pulling her hand towards him and wrapping his lips around Mia's finger.

Mia gasps as she feels Baekhyun's tongue licking the chocolate off her finger, sending a shiver all over her body. Heat pools down at the bottom of her stomach as he pulls away his lips with a pop, all the while, his eyes never leaving Mia's.

For a second, Mia's mouth hangs agape, speechless. But quickly recovering from the trance, Mia pits on a fake pout. "Hey! That was for me," she jokes.

Letting go of her hand, wordlessly, Baekhyun steps up towards Mia and stands between her legs. One arm encircles her body while the other hand cups the back of her head, pulling her in for a kiss. Baekhyun doesn't hesitate before slipping his tongue inside Mia's mouth. Mia lets out a soft moan, once she tastes the chocolate on Baekhyun's tongue, on her own. Pulling him in closer with her hands on his cheeks, Mia wraps her legs around his waist as they both full on make out in the middle of the kitchen.

The only sounds echoing in the kitchen is Mia's soft moans of pleasure and need, and the faint smacking of lips. Baekhyun pulls Mia closer with a gentle grip of her hair and moves his lips in synch with hers. The kiss is domineering, intense, sloppy and very wet. Mia feels an ache in her nether regions and wants nothing more than to strip them both naked right here and take Baekhyun.

Baekhyun's hand runs up Mia's thigh, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He sucks on Mia's tongue feverishly and with a last bite of her lip pulls away. Mia leans forward, ready to chase his lips but is held firmly in place by Baekhyun.

Opening her eyes, Mia is dazed as she looks at Baekhyun's red, wet, and kiss stung lips.

They both pant in need as they stare at each other's lips, needy with desire and lust. Licking his lips, Baekhyun averts his gaze first and takes a step back, untangling himself from Mia. "You'll be late to class if we don't stop now." Baekhyun says in a raspy voice.

"I don't care," Mia shakes her head breathily, ready to have crazy hot sex in the kitchen.

Baekhyun chuckles and moves to the stove, to turn it on. "I do," he says as he prepares to make the pancakes.

Mia pouts sadly but keeps her protests silent as she tucks her messy hair behind her ears.

After a great breakfast, a lot of kissing and chiding from Baekhyun that she'll be late for class, Baekhyun finally drives Mia to her apartment so she can pick up her bag before he drives her to campus. The drive is spent in comfortable silence with their hands intertwined the entire way to campus. Soft music plays on the radio as Baekhyun parks close to Mia's first class.

"Thanks," Mia chirps turning to face Baekhyun.

"Of course," Baekhyun says with a smile.

Leaning towards Baekhyun, Mia attaches her lips to his in a passionate kiss. Baekhyun returns Mia's enthusiasm with his own, as he takes hold of her cheek and kisses her without preservation.

"I can't get enough of you," Mia admits once they pull away to take a breath.

"You can have as much as you want of me later tonight," Baekhyun suggest with an arched brow.

Mia pouts in disappointment. "I have to study late." Mia lies feeling guilty.

"I'll pick you up after then and take you home." Baekhyun offers.

Mia shakes her head in protest. "That's ok, I'll just take the bus home."

Baekhyun frowns, not accepting her answer. "I don't want you walking alone that late at night."

Knowing she can't argue, Mia concedes. "Ok, I'll wait for you here at midnight then." That would give her enough time for a quick wash at work and then head over.

With a last peck to her lips, Baekhyun lets Mia head to class before she's tardy.


This chapter is short af but I wanted them to have a fluffy time without any problems for ones. They deserve it!!!!

Let me know what you think!!!

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