Chapter 30

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Dad Joke of the Day: What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows.

Chapter 30

The silence in the room is deafening. Nothing but the low thumping of the bass from the next room can be heard, beating in rhythm with Mia's heart. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Mia feels the walls around her closing in on her, making breathing a difficult task. Even though Baekhyun keeps quiet, his eyes say it all. The disappointment and hurt are conveyed easily in his stare. Mia knows she deserves it and more, but she can't help but feel small under his gaze.

She has had many chances to come clean, but something held her back every time. Deep down she knows what it is, but at the moment it all feels like insignificant reasons.

Baekhyun is still dressed in in his pinstripe suit, his arms resting on the back of the seat, looking layed back but Mia knows he's anything but. Looking down at her outfit, her dress suddenly feels tighter and shorter than it usually does. Grabbing the hem of the dress, Mia pulls down on it for some modesty but that only lowers the neckline, exposing more cleavage.

The silence is heavy with tension so Mia speaks up to break the awkwardness. "So what song did you want to sing?" Mia jokes to ease the atmosphere but Baekhyun's stare turns even deadlier, shutting Mia up immediately.

Baekhyun seems to be fighting an inner battle in his head, wanting to say something but no words come out. After a second of thought, Baekhyun finally speaks but Mia wishes he hadn't. "One of my subordinates showed me a picture of this place today, raving about the beautiful and entertaining girls that work here. Now imagine my surprise when I saw your picture along with these other said girls. At first, I thought my eyes were betraying me but when he mentioned you by name, praising your skills as girl, I just had to come here personally to see what all the fuss is about."

Mia stays in her place by the door silently, at a loss for words. Baekhyun's demeanor looks calm and collected, his voice steady, making him all the more daunting. Mia swallows the lump in her throat but doesn't say anything to explain herself. The words are all in her head but they are all lost before they reach her lips.

Baekhyun continues, breaking the silence. "So what do you do exactly? Do you sing with them?"

The question is simple enough, yet Mia says nothing.

"Do you dance with them?" he asks again. A hint of annoyance in his tone but Mia refuses to say anything yet, looking down in shame.

"Do you let them touch you?" the second those words leave Baekhyun's lips, Mia looks up. Her heart sinks to the bottom of her chest as she opens her mouth to respond but no words come out. Only tears threaten to roll down her cheeks. How could Baekhyun even think that?

Mia knows she's in the wrong, she shouldn't have hid this from Baekhyun. It probably breaks his trust in her but the accusation still crushes Mia.

Baekhyun's face softens as he looks at the broken look on Mia's face. Sighing in defeat Baekhyun beckons for Mia. "Come here."

His words fall on deaf ears though as Mia stays frozen in place. Her legs refuse to move, still hurt by Baekhyun's words. She knows that he didn't mean them but they still hurt.

"Please," Baekhyun adds, leaning forward.

Mia continues staring at her feet but inhales a deep breath in and exhales before she starts moving towards Baekhyun. Mia distances herself from Baekhyun as she sits on the wall to wall seat. Baekhyun lets out another sigh before moving closer to Mia but still leaves a bit of space so she can feel comfortable.

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