Chapter 20

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Dad Joke of the Day: What does an annoying pepper do? It gets jalapeno face...

Chapter 20

Sitting in class, Mia exudes confidence as she looks to the front of the room where her professor is droning on and on about Poe's melancholic poetry that does nothing to bring her mood down. Even though, for the past couple of months, this had been a dreaded class, today is different. It seems as though nothing can bring Mia's elevated mood down. While paying attention to the professor, she can't help but let her mind drift to the perfect events of that morning.

Mia woke up fairly early, stretching the kinks in her body noisily before opening her eyes. Mia was welcomed by Baekhyun's familiar and pristine room that exuded a calming aura, almost lulling her back to sleep. Almost.

Looking down at the shirt she was wearing, Mia vaguely remembers the events of last night with a smile. She was about to get up when the door to the bedroom opens and Baekhyun appears.

Baekhyun leans on the door frame, his arms crossed on his chest and a smile on his face. "Morning sleepy head."

"Mmm, I wish I could sleep even more," complained Mia with a giggle.

"Well you have class so you better get up now if you don't want to be late," said Baekhyun.

Sighing tiredly, Mia rolld her eyes. "Ok, dad."

Baekhyun chuckled with a shake of his head before giving Mia some privacy. After one last stretch, Mia made her way to the bathroom to find a new purple toothbrush in it packaging. Smiling to herself, Mia finished her morning business before heading to the kitchen.

To say that Mia was floored would've been an understatement. The kitchen island had a stacked palte of pancakes, along with an assortment of sliced fruit.

"You made pancakes?" asked Mia with a pout, walking over to Baekhyun, who was in the kitchen, on the other side of the island, brewing coffee.

Turning around, Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Mia's waist as she approached him. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back.

"You asked for pancakes last time you were here, remember?" he asked.

"Right, but I didn't know you were good in the kitchen," commented Mia.

"I'm a man of many talents," winked Baekhyun before letting go of Mia. "How did your paper go last night, by the way?" he asked.

"I think it went well. But I don't know. My professor's a hard ass so I'm never confident with my assignments for his class." Mia stood next to Baekhyun as he poured two cups of coffee. Adding milk and sugar to hers.

"Want me to read it?" Baekhyun asks looking at Mia.

"Would you?" Mia asks hopefully.

"Sure, here, have a seat and eat breakfast, I'll go print out a copy and give it a read ok?" Baekhyun guides Mia to a chair by the island.

Nodding her head, Mia takes a seat while Baekhyun goes to get her work.

It was nerve wracking. Mia kept chewing on her pancake while Baekhyun read her paper. He took slow sips of his coffee as his eyes stared at the paper with concentration. For some reason, Mia craved Baekhyun's approval desperately. Stuffing another strawberry slice in her mouth, Mia's heart pounded while Baekhyun paid her no attention.

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