Chapter 18

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Dad Joke of the Day: Wanna hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it's tearable....

Chapter 18

The smell of sliced bread toasting in the toaster is heavenly as Mia yawns early in the morning. Scratching at her arm, she hears noises behind her, she turns around to find Lucky and Sehun walking hand in hand towards the door.

"Hey Mia," greets Sehun and Mia nods her head with an amused smile.

With a final kiss, Lucky and Mia are left alone. Lucky nonchalantly walks into the kitchen, starting the coffee machine.

"You know, one day you won't be so lucky. Jenny's bound to find out with how 'discrete' you guys are," comments Mia.

"She sleeps in on Mondays because she doesn't start class until 11." Counters Lucky. "Anyways, enough about me, spill!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mia feigns ignorance as she takes her toast out to butter it.

"Stop acting all oblivious, you avoided us like the plague last night, how did the date go?"

"It was fine, nothing interesting. Baekhyun was his usual self." Mia shrugs as Lucky steals her buttered toast so she has to butter the other one.

"Is that a good thing?" Lucky asks.

"We'll find out tonight, he's taking me out for dinner."

"A second date already?"

"Yesterday's thing wasn't really a date but yea," Mia omits half of what happened yesterday, probably from the embarrassment.

Mia's still not sure about tonight's date, she has been scorned by Baekhyun one too many times to feel excited. She hates to admit it, but she's scared of the unknown of tonight's events.

"Well either way, I'm happy for you, I can tell you really like him." Comments Lucky before heading towards his room.

Mia stands there, a heavy feeling weighing down on her chest. She silently takes a bite from her toast, her appetite lost all of a sudden.

The day was long. Classes, as well as work has Mia tired to the bone. Trudging back inside her apartment after an exhausting day, she looks at her phone for the time. It's a little after 6 and Baekhyun had texted earlier today informing her that he'd be picking her up at 7.

Mia can hear Jenny in her room, and Lucky seems to be out when she hears nothing coming from his room when she passes by it to head to her own room.

After a quick shower, Mia sits at her desk, a staring at a small mirror. Sighing, she decides to keep it simple this time, only applying a bit of foundation to even out her tone, some mascara and dabs on red lipstick lightly so it's not too bold. She lets her wet hair hang down her back to dry into its natural curls while she looks for an outfit to wear. Within five minutes, she settles on a knee length flowy emerald green dress with her grey cardigan on top. Taking her black purse that's actually big enough to fit her wallet in, she puts on her black booties to complete the look.

Right on time, her phone rings.

"Hello," she greets.

"Hey, I'm outside." Baekhyun says.

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