Chapter 9

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Dad Joke of the day:

- Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing :'D

Don't mind me. I'm dumb.

Also here's a playlist for you guys to enjoy while reading or not. It's just a couple of songs I listened to while writing this chapter. Might go with the mood of the chapter, might not.

Soon by Big Little Lions

Valentine by 5 Seconds of Summer

Love Made Me Do It by Ellise

Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie by Arlissa, Jonas Blue

Bandito by Twenty One Pilots

Chapter 9

The deceiving shine of the sun did nothing to hold back the harsh bite of the nearing winter's winds. Even though winter has not completely sunk its claws on Seoul, the cold was definitely around the corner. Especially after the sun set every night. Despite the weather condition, the cold that Mia is feeling at the moment has nothing to do with the natural change in seasons. It has everything to do with the cold silence that Baekhyun is emitting. Mia can't be sure whether her presence is what's triggering this attitude or if Baekhyun is naturally a quiet guy.

Nonetheless, Mia still manages to get out a couple of answers from Baekhyun to write a decent essay. The ride to Baekhyun's place seemed to take longer than before but then again, was Mia ever sober for this journey before. Shaking the slight embarrassment out of her system, Mia decides to make the most of this opportunity. She has never spent this much one on one time with Baekhyun so she is most definitely going to have all her charms on full display tonight. She doesn't let the eerily quiet ride dampen her mood. She takes this moment to prepare herself for what's to come.

Baekhyun's place looks exactly the same as the last time she was here. Not a single thing out of place.

"You have a really nice place," Compliments Mia. Hopefully a stroke to his ego will help move things along.

Baekhyun only grumbles in acknowledgement as an answer, not really giving Mia anything to go on.

"Would you like some help with setting things up before they all get here?" It's a far out reach question but Mia still hopes that Baekhyun will accept her offer.

"I'm good," the answer deflates Mia's mood but she still holds on to the faint smile on her face not willing to show that she's actually upset.

"Ok, umm where's the restroom?" She finally asks, ready for a breather alone.

After Baekhyun points out the direction of the bathroom for Mia, she hurries in before her face gives away how she really feels.

Mia takes a moment to calm down her nerves in the bathroom. Taking in a deep breath, she opens her eyes and stares at her reflection through the well-lit bathroom mirror. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she turns the faucet on to the coldest setting and splashes the cool water on her face. This somewhat helps her calm her nerves and relax. She opens her eyes again when she hears a message notification in her bag.

Fumbling inside her bag, she takes out her phone to see a message notification from Jenny.


Where are you gorgeous? I miss you TT

Sighing at the comfort her friends bring her, Mia replies immediately.


Byun Baekhyun's place...

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