Chapter 19

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Dad Joke of the Day: What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison.

Chapter 19

The buzzing of the first floor of the library is gone unnoticed as Mia stares at her phone. A small smile adorning her face as she texts Baekhyun who is at work at the moment. After they officially started dating, Baekhyun has been more communicative and responsive, something Mia really appreciates. Even though Mia knows she should be focusing on her English paper that is due tomorrow, she can't help but be distracted by her phone.

"What's with all the smiles?" Daniel arches a brow, fully knowing the answer to that question.

Locking her phone, Mia looks up at him, "Nothing, I'm just crazy." Mia jokes.

"So wait, does this mean you and Baekhyun are officially exclusive?" asks Lucky. Jenny who is seated next to Lucky, nods her head, waiting for the answer as well.

"Am I ready to take my grade-A loins off the meat market? I don't know man, I don't know." Mia jokes shrugging her shoulders.

"But for real though, you are dating right?" asks Jenny concerned.

Mia rolls her eyes. Did her friends think she made things up in her head? "Yes, he specifically asked to date."

"I can't imagine Baekhyun being so forward. He's always seemed a bit standoffish," comments Jenny.

"Trust me, I'm still surprised." Even Mia can't get a grasp on what's happening at the moment. Sometimes it still feels like a dream.

"So you're both not seeing other people?" asks Daniel.

"Why, you wanna get on this?" Mia wiggles her eyebrows.

"Been there, done that." Bites back Daniel. "Plus I have Tzuyu now."

Mia only gasps in fake hurt as Lucky shakes his head. "I still can't believe you two did the nasty." His face contorts in slight disgust.

"It was a one-time thing!" defends Mia. "Anyways, I don't know about Baekhyun but I'm not seeing anyone else right now."

"Stop pretending like that's by choice," mocks Daniel, earning a hard slap on his arm.

Things quiet down after that and Mia tries very hard to get back to her assignment, but the vibration of her phone just won't let her.

Picking up the phone, a smile forms on Mia's face as she sees Baekhyun's name.


Let's have dinner tonight.

Mia knows she shouldn't accept, especially with the barely half finished paper waiting for her, but she can't help it. Since their ferry date 3 days ago, they haven't really seen each other, except for the couple of times Baekhyun was a gentleman, picking her up from campus to drive her home on late nights.

Sighing in loss, Mia texts back.


Dinner sounds good.

The air is a bit chilly, with the sky clear, save for a few stars scattered here and there. Baekhyun picks Mia up from the library at 6 sharp for dinner. The ride to the restaurant is comfortable as they zoom through the city in Baekhyun's posh car. They decide on a casual restaurant since Mia is clad in blue jeans and a grey university shirt. Baekhyun on the other hand had on a deep brown suit with a white shirt that's lightly striped with thin black stripes. His tie is off, and two buttons are unbuttoned to give room for breathing. Next to Baekhyun, Mia looked like shit. But then again she ahead to accept, she'd always look like shit next to him. As long as Baekhyun didn't realize it though right? Mia scoffs at her own thoughts, which catches Baekhyun's attention.

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