It was her secret to keep. Hers only. But she couldn't help boasting about it at school. Her friends would demand proof. And then she would try to cover it up. She would be distracted all the time. Giving no time to her friends. Until her friends fi...
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The pencil moved expertly around the page. Creating the finer details, the sketches until she had the final result.
Evena looked out the window and a thought hit her immediately. The Blue Moon Festival! But that wasn't until 10pm. With that extra motivation, Evena got to work.
5 hours later, her work was done and she was hungry and needed the toilet. Evena used the toilet and then scampered down to the kitchen. It was 9:34pm. Plenty of time. Evena boiled some milk on the stove as her mum was asleep and took out cookies. Once the milk was steamed, Evena poured it in to a cup and went back to her room.
By the time she was finished, it was 9:40pm. Evena thought about going early but decided against it and read her favourite book. Time flies, as they say, and that's exactly what happened. Evena looked up calmly after she had finished the page-turning book and froze in panic. It was 10:24pm. Evena got up and hurriedly opened her window. She set the book down and with her hands and arms tingling with panic she put one leg through and the other. Evena tumbled out and hit her ankle hard against the window pane.