It was her secret to keep. Hers only. But she couldn't help boasting about it at school. Her friends would demand proof. And then she would try to cover it up. She would be distracted all the time. Giving no time to her friends. Until her friends fi...
She got up and messily wiped her tears of frustration and annoyance and anger. This had been her room since she could sleep on her own. All her memories. Evena felt and urge to cry, but no tears escaped. She walked over to the bed, drained of energy. Suddenly having no feelings or emotions.
She glared at the glass shards glinting in the sun and slumped down next to her bed where there weren't any shards. Evena sighed and picked up the crumpled picture of her perfect cousin. But something else caught her eye and she froze. It was a picture. Evena brushed aside some glass, caring more or less to cut herself and picked up the photo. It was frayed within age. But still was glossy and felt like card. Evena stared at it and her heart skipped a lot of beats. Evena knew who the person in the picture was. Her mother had shown it to her once. Long ago. But now it meant something else.
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It was a picture of a beautiful girl in a turquoise dress and honey blond hair. The girl had her mother's full lips and green eyes. Because it was her mother. When Evena;s mother was 5.
But that didn't matter. What mattered was why Evena's hands were clammy and she was sweating. Evena had seen this picture before, not when her mother showed it to her. Rather somewhere else.
Evena ripped off the torn bed sheets. Surprised her mother hadn't cut herself. Evena wrapped that around her hand like a protection glove and cleared off the shards of glass on the window. Evena throw the sheets away and quickly replaced her skirt and fancy shirt with a faded plain short-sleeved purple shirt and rushed herself in to her pair of jeggings, folding them twice at the waist considering how much she would have to hurry.
Evena shoved her feet in to a frayed pair of dirty white high tops, not caring how ugly she looked and pushed a headband in to her hair, pulling it away from her face. Evena glanced at the mirror and looked at the girl looking back at her. Evena glared and gripped the picture tighter in her hand as she heaved herself out of the cleared window, earning some scratched from remaining glass, but she ignored that.
Evena didn't even look behind as her feet carried her towards the forest.
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