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Wonho POV

Loud music blasting around me plus the affects of the 10 shots of Jack Daniels I consumed made me pretty loose. Shownu was dancing with Minhyuk and Jooheon in the middle of the dance floor. I.M was bothering the DJ to play Jay Park, and from the looks of things, Jay Park ain't gonna be played anytime soon. Kihyun, Hyungwon, and I were at the table.... still throwing back shots.

"Did you ever think about how we could be specks of dust? On a clover? Like in Horton Hears a Who?" Kihyun asked, blinking rapidly. Hyungwon snorted and grabbed another shot.

"If that's the case, then you are even smaller than we thought." My eyes widened. Hyungwon? Savage? That did not make sense. Must be the alcohol.

"Oh fuck the up shut!" Kihyun cursed in English.

"Excuse me buddy, but you said it wrong. The correct form is 'shut the fuck up'" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to see a girl with straight black hair, smooth skin, and dead looking black eyes staring at Kihyun with a smirk. She looked about as tall as Jooheon, maybe a bit smaller.

"Excuse me?" Uh oh. I know that tone of voice. It means Kihyun is getting his salty levels up. I'm not drunk enough for this. Hyungwon was downing his.... 15th shot? I should stop him....... right?

"I said, you said it wrong."

"Who the hell are you to correct me?" Kihyun slammed his hands on the table and stood up on shaky drunk legs. The girl stuck her hand out.

"What's up bitch. The name's Mia and who might you be?" The girl fired back, her tone full of sass. I burst into giggles at the look of pure disbelief on Kihyun's face, his cheeks flushing an angry pink.

"I'm Yoo Kihyun, vocal of Monsta X, the saltiest bitch on Earth." Mia rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say pink princess." She said, walking away with a smile. Kihyun spluttered and got up to follow her.

"I am NOT a pink princess! Why the hell did she call me a pink princess?" He ranted, his face turning from pink to red. I laughed again and looked to Hyungwon. He was out like a light, his face pressed to the table. Kihyun followed my eyes and attempted to fling his arm over his shoulder. I stopped him.

"I'll take him, you stay here and have fun." He hesitated before nodding, ruffling Hyungwon's hair in affection. I scooped the lanky boy into my arms, frowning at how light he was. Was there any muscle on him at all? Despite that, he was still a true visual. Even drunk off his ass, I could see how beautiful he was. Wait what? I shook my head and headed for the elevator, pushing the up button and carefully entering with the boy in my arms.

I tried to ignore the soft puffs of breath on my neck or the way he would nuzzle further into my chest, but it was hard. Good God what was happening to me? I was saved by a ding from the elevator, signalling our floor was here. It's a damn good thing we share a hotel room. I gently laid him on the his bed and sat down beside him.

His face was flushed and his nose was twitching, something that only happens when he is agitated. I should know, I found out during our practices for No Mercy when we sang our duet. I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair. 

The boy let out a moan and turned his face towards me, but didn't wake up. Maybe it was my drunk mind but, suddenly, I wanted to know what it was like to kiss those puffy lips of his. 

Should I? He is out cold so he wouldn't even know, and I was fucking drunk so I probably wouldn't even remember. What could go wrong? I took a deep breath and leaned forward. 

His lips were really soft and sweet, almost like a marshmallow. I didn't realize he was kissing me back until his hand found it's way to the back of my neck, but then again, I didn't care. All I could think was how right this felt. I crawled on top of him and cupped his jaw, nibbling his bottom lip. On cue, he opened his mouth and allowed me to dominate the kiss. The feeling of his tongue along mine was indescribable and I felt my pants tighten. I separated from him, trailing soft kisses down his neck.

"W-Wonho, what is this?" The boy under me moaned, not helping my pants situation. He tilted his head to give me better access, wrapping his legs around my waist. God, this felt so wrong yet so right. How is that even possible?

"Hyungwon, why do you go to Kihyun now instead of me?" I mumbled against his skin before resuming my kisses. Now where was his sweet spot? I sucked on the skin right below his ear and he let out a small whimper.

Found it! I smirk and bit down on the area.

"I didn't r-realize that you even c-cared." He moaned out, his legs hold on me tightening. I paused what I was doing and looked up at him.

"What makes you say that?" I was hurt. Of course I noticed and cared. He was MY Hyungwonnie. My best friend. My sexy twin. Hyungwon just stared back at me, his eyes full of sadness. But why was he sad? I shook my head and kissed him again. For tonight, I wanted my Hyungwon back. Tonight, was all about making him happy.

"How can I make you happy again Hyungwonnie?" I whispered, placing butterfly kisses all over his face. It was silent for a while before he spoke again. His words made my heart stop and all my blood rush down to a certain area.

"Fuck me, Lee Hoseok."


HELLO!!! So listen, things are gonna go like this. Chapter 2 was as you can see, Wonho's POV, Chapter 3 will be Hyungwon's and Chapter 4 will be the actual SMUT chapter. In Chapter 3 it will basically be the same thing but from Hyungwon's POV (Obviously) Love you all and remember to comment vote and share!

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