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Three Years Later

"Hoseok! Where is Myungho's pacy? I can't seem to find it anywhere!" I yelled from the kitchen, rummaging through different drawers trying to find the elusive pacifier.

"Babe, check the play room, remember we put Myungho down for a nap in there with his pacy, its gotta be in there!" Hoseok shouted from his office.

It's been 2 and a half years since Hoseok and I got married. Since then, Starship paid for our house. The boys come visit us every now and then, mostly Kihyun and Minhyuk. Speaking of! Turns out, Kihyun was a carrier! They had the most adorable ball of salty light in the world, a baby girl named Kyulhyun. We have playdates every now and then, which is what I'm trying to get Myungho ready for... If I could find his damn pacifier!

With a groan, I got on my knees to look under the sofa. Hmmmm... Ah! There, in the far back, was his black and gold Gucci pacifier, a gift from Taehyung. Next to it was his Gucci shoes, a gift from Tao. Jesus Christ, these guys are turning my son into a Gucci boy.

"Babe! Minyuk and Kihyun will be here any second! Did you find the pacy?" Hoseok asked, coming downstairs, Myungho giggling on his hip, blinking up at him with his big brown eyes. "Do you think we can get him blue contacts? You know for when he's older?"

I shot him a glare. "You are not putting contacts on our son until he is in high school, do I make myself clear?" He nodded, his face paling slightly at my tone. He walked towards the kitchen murmuring cute words, our son giggling like crazy all the while.

The doorbell rang and I ran to open it. Outside were Kihyun and Minhyuk, both looking excited for today's play date. Today was at the dorm, since Shownu and Jooheon were complaining about not being able to see Myungho lately. I handed Minhyuk Myungho's to go bag, crouching down to look at the sleeping form curled up in Kihyun's arms.

"How is she?" Kihyun snorted, shooting a glare at Minhyuk. Oh no...

"She snores like he does, kicks me in her sleep, sleeps with her eyes open, scares the shit out of me at night by blowing in my ears, smiles over the dumbest things, and sasses me in her baby talk... to put it bluntly, me and Minhyuk have successfully created the perfect demon." Minhyuk smiled innocently.

Hoseok came out of the kitchen with  Myungho, giving him baby puffs and milk. I smiled at the domesticness of it all.

"Ok, he's ready, remember! He needs to have his nap at 12:30, snack time should be fruits and vegetables, and nothing inappropriate on the T.V. please." Hoseok reminded Minhyuk. He didn't have to remind Kihyun, he remembers every detail.

Minhyuk saluted him. "You got it boss! Come on babe! Time for our playdate!" He giggled and jumped down the steps, skipping to the car. Kihyun sighed, giving me a look.

"Sometimes I wonder if he realizes these playdates are for the kids and not for him." With that, he took off after the hyper sunshine. I closed the door with a sigh, heading over to the couch where Hoseok was laying down, reading over the lyric ideas for a new song. I laid on top of him, snuggling into his neck. He kissed the top of my head before humming softly.

I shifted on top of him, itching to get some sort of attention from him. We've barely had time alone since moving here, and I am dying for attention.

"Baby? Are you gonna keep shifting and sighing or are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" I stared up at him with my puppy eyes.

"Hoseokkie, I want attention. We never really have time for each other, and I just want affection. You know me, I'm like a puppy, I need love-" He cut me off with a kiss. It got heated real fast and he picked me up, making me curl my legs around his waist.

He brought me up the stairs and gently laid me on our bed, crawling on top of me. He looked down on me with a loving gaze, swiftly taking my shirt and jeans off me. I sighed in content, so ready for what's to come.

"Are you ready baby?" I nodded fast, curling my arms around his neck.

"I'm ready, just don't get me pregnant again." He laughed before starting one of the many rounds we had that night.

Mistakes were made that night 3 and a half years or so, but I am so happy they were made. If not, I wouldn't be here with the love of my life.

---THE END!---

A/N And that is the end my loves! Thank you for joining me on this amazing ride!

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