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Hyungwon POV

It was a normal day for me until she showed up, banging on our dorm door, shrieking about how I made a huge mistake. She was giving me a huge headache. Hoseok and the rest of the guys were out buying more food, and Hoseok was gonna buy me more banana milk. That left me alone to deal with Lisa.

I love Lisa, but she is like a sister to me, and I know she likes me likes me but I'm not interested in her in THAT way. The door stopped banging and the screaming stopped too. Maybe she went away?

"Hyungwon OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" And there's the screaming again. I sighed and curled into a ball on the couch. Maybe if I pretend I'm not here she'll leave. "Hyungwon I know you're in there! I saw all the members leave but you, open this door now!"

I sighed and stood up, fixing Hoseok's hoodie on my frame to hide my bump before opening the door. There stood Lisa, a smile on her face and.... were those buckets of fried chicken and black bean noodles? Huh, suddenly want to let her in now. I cleared my throat.

"Can I help you Lisa-ssi?" I gave her a slight bow of respect, like Kihyun taught me. 

"I just wanted to come over and help you out since, you know. I understand completely and just wanna help." I gave her a look and she sighed in exasperation. "Listen, I may not be the best person, and I may have had a huge crush on you, but anyone with eyes can see how much you and Hoseok love each other. Please, let me help you."

I contemplated her words before nodding and opened the door wider. She pranced in and set the food on the table. "So, what should we do now? Oh! I know! I'll help you get  a natural healthy glow with a mud mask my member's taught me to make. It's supposed to really good for your skin's health."

Before I could say a word, she set me down on the couch and opened her purse, dumping out it's contents on the floor. An hour later, we both had mud on our faces, empty boxes of chicken and noodles spread out around us.

"Ok, what the hell did we just walk into?" Jooheon yelped as we turned around. Kihyun took in the chicken bones and gave me a look of betrayal, Shownu looked confused period, I.M was busy rummaging through his bag for his phone, and Hoseok... Hoseok was smiling fondly at me. My heart gave a little flutter and Lisa gave me a suggestive look.

"What happened here Hyungwon-ah?" Kihyun asked, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. I glared at him and mouthed for him to shut up.  He just laughed and led Shownu and Jooheon into the kitchen to put away the groceries. Huh, something was missing... not sure what though.

Hoseok sat beside me and smiled, throwing his arm around my shoulder and tucking me into his side. Lisa squealed and clapped her hands really fast.

"Omigosh you guys are so cute! Please, tell me how this happened!" We both looked at each other and stayed silent. Lisa glanced between us. "Don't tell me... Hoseok hyung! Did you not ask him out yet?! Dear God, the man is carrying your baby! Ask him out for God's sake!" She crossed her arms and glared at him.

I smiled and leaned away to look at him. "Yeah, hyung, ask me out already." He gave me a look and sighed.

"Ok, Hyungwon, will you go out with me?" I glanced at Lisa and we both smirked.

"No!" We chirped in sync. Hoseok face palmed.

"Why am I not surprised?" He chuckled and stood up, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. "Go wash up you guys, dinner will be ready soon."

15 minutes later we were all around the table about to eat when it hit me.

"Hey guys?" Everyone looked up at me in confusion. "Where's Minhyuk hyung?"

Both Kihyun and Showu's eyes widened and they both dropped their forks and chopsticks.

"Guys, where is Minhyuk?"

"I don't know, I thought Kihyun had him!" At that Kihyun's eyes widened.

"OH SHIT I LEFT HIM AT THE STORE! HYUNWOO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND LET'S GO!" He screamed launching at the front door. When they left, the rest of us looked at each other before digging in.

Hey, just because they screwed up, doesn't mean the rest of us need to suffer. These are the days when I am thankful for my strange friends....

No wait, they are more than friends to me....

They are family, my family.

And I love them all.

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