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A/N Smut chap! Grab your holy water, a bible, and pray to Jisoos ( or Satansoo *cough* Mia *cough*) It will again be split POV. Enjoy loves.

Still Hoseok POV


My eyes widened at his words and I smirked. If he wants it, then goddamn Imma give it to him. I picked him up by the backs of his thighs, smiling as he wrapped his arms around my neck and started sucking on it. 

"Anything for you baby boy." He nuzzled into my neck and I felt him smile. I know that today was a way I could show him that I am dead serious about him. Some days he's still very wary of me, flinching away from my touch to the point where Mia threatens to send me to sleep... permanently.... several times.

I gently made my way to the bed and set him down, staring down at him. He squirmed under my gaze, his shirt riding up at the bottom to show his skin, a honey golden color now. I tilted my head to the side and ran my fingers along the exposed skin. He shivered and sat up, grabbing my hand and placing it against his cheek.

"Hoseok, I swear to God, stop messing with me please. You've been doing it for years, all I want now is you. Please, don't make me ask again." His voice went dark with lust and my pants tightened. I leaned down and kissed him, slowly but deeply. He moaned and grabbed me by the back of my neck to pull me closer.

Without hesitation, I ripped his shirt off and traced the curve of his tummy, swollen with our child. That made me so proud, I mean Hyungwon and I are both above average in the looks department, that means our kid is gonna be fucking gorgeous. And I know how good he is with kids, Siwoo is a testament to that.

I slowly climbed on top of him and straddled him, never breaking the kiss. His hand slid down and he palmed me, making me gasp. His tongue slid into my mouth, causing me to moan. I've never felt this way with anyone else, only Hyungwon. Only him. I trailed my hands down to the edge of his jeans and tugged on them. He got the message and lifted his bottom, allowing me to slide his jeans off. I rubbed circles onto his skin and lowered to nibble on the skin of his collarbone.

"H-Hoseok, it's not f-fair t-that, oh God! That you're still fully clothed." He gasped out as I continued sucking on his skin. My lips made their way to the skin below his ear and I sucked hard. His hand came to tug at my hair, giving me a sort of thrill. I smiled and sat back, tugging off my shirt, slowly, to tease him. He growled and pushed my hands away, pulling my shirt off for me. I laughed and leaned down to kiss him but he moved his head away. "Nope, not until you finish showing me your body."

I crawled off the bed and took off my jeans, tossing them to the side before climbing back on top of him.

"Better?" He nodded, pulling my head back down to press his lips to mine.

"Much." I was starting to get really tired of all this foreplay, so I slid my hand past the waistline of his boxers, my fingers brushing his member. He whimpered against my lips and wrapped his legs around my waist. I pulled back and pulled his boxers off, mine following soon after. 

"Are you ready?" He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck, burying his face in the crook of my neck, breathing hard. I gently lifted his head up and pecked his lips before trailing my hand down his back to his round ass. I kissed him hard as I inserted one finger into him, moving in and out as he whimpered against my mouth. Soon I added a second finger, and I felt so bad as he started crying in pain.

I attempted to pull my fingers out, but his hand clamped on my arm and he shook his head. "Please hyung, it's ok, I want this. I want this pain, as long as it's you who gives it to me." I felt my heart crack at his words. How did I deserve such a sweet and loving guy? After what I put him through, he should hate me.

I added the third finger, fastening the pace, getting him stretched enough. When I felt he was loose enough, I took my fingers out and aligned with his hole. He shivered and closed his eyes tight, more tears spilling out of the corners of his eyes. I brushed the tears away and kissed him as I pushed my tip in. I waited until he was used to the feeling of me inside him before pressing in all the way.

He gasped and unconsciously clenched around me, making me moan at the feeling. I stayed that way for a while, waiting for his permission to move. He had his head pressed hard against the pillow, breathing deeply so I kissed his collarbones and pressed butterfly kisses on his chest. He finally nodded for me to move.

I started slowly, moving my hips in gentle motions so as not to hurt him. Obviously, he was not happy with my plan of action, the little tease purposefully clenched around me. I grunted, I was not expecting that, but who am I to complain if he wants me to go harder then he can't complain of a sore ass tomorrow.

I pulled out before slamming into him, loving how screamed my name as I pounded mercilessly into him. This was bliss for me, complete bliss. I know our relationship was on the dark side for years after our debut, but I can't help but feel that without those hardships, I don't think I'd have the nerve to be in this position with him. To have him under me like this, looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

"H-hyung, please I'm s-so close." I snapped out of my thoughts and continued to pound into him, making sure to make him feel the most amount of pleasure as possible. He came hard onto our stomachs. That in itself, knowing I brought him over that edge, brought me to my climax. I flipped us over and positioned him above me.

"Hyungwonnie, I want you to ride me." This was a huge deal for me, I have never let any of my dates ride me, I've never felt comfortable letting myself get in that situation. But with Hyungwon it was different, I want him to see me like this, totally submissive to him. He slowly started rolling his hips, bouncing lightly. We were both still really reeling from our first climax, and to be quite honest, a second climax sounded really good right now.

He leaned down to kiss me just as I reached my peak for the second time, filling him up for the second time. He moaned loudly and released again on my stomach. He dropped down beside me with a sigh, pillowing his head on my chest. Soon his breath evened out and light snore escaped his abused puffy lips. I kissed the top of his head and smiled, nuzzling my face into his hair.

"I love you Hyungwonnie with all my heart." With that I fell into a blissful sleep. We can wash in the morning, right now all I wanna do is sleep with my beautiful baby boy.

A/N OMG, Wattpad has been a complete and utter bitch to me. Sorry for the late update, Wattpad wouldn't save my drafts. Saranghe and Good News! I decided to Republish Angels Bet!! HaoDoYouBaekYeols this is for you!

Oh and also for my dear friend Im_Chogistuck, I am so glad I met you and that you have become someone quite dear to my heart. Love you Bunny and I can't wait to see how your book ends. 

For everyone else, please, if something is bothering you, never hesitate to contact me. No matter the time of day, I will always be here for you all, because you guys are not just my readers. No, you guys are my family, and I will do anything for you.

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