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Hyungwon POV

I smiled as he promised me. I know my hyung wouldn't break his promises, that's not who he is. I settled back down and frowned as I remember my dream. The disgust in his eyes made a lump form in my throat. It all seemed so real, almost like it was a memory or something. The way he shook his head in disappointment and left me alone hurt the most.

"Hey! Hyungwon? What type of ice cream do you want?" His voice shook me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at him.


"You said I owe you ice cream for waking you up, so what flavor?" I smiled. Of course he remembered. Back when I used to do everything with him, he always remembered what I told him, even if I was just kidding.

"Um, can I have a bubble gum ice cream sundae with marshmallow sauce and um..... ooh! Hyung! Can I get a brownie?" I grabbed his arm and bounced in my seat. His eyes widened and he nodded. We got out and slid into a booth in the back.

"Hello guys! What can I get you today?" A young girl came up to us, notepad out. She kept staring at me, it was making me uncomfortable.

"Yeah, um can I have a rocky road ice cream float and a bubble gum ice cream sundae with marshmallow sauce and a double chocolate brownie please? And hey, stop staring, your making him uncomfortable." Wonho glared at the girl and she lowered her head, writing down our orders.

When she was gone he gazed at me intently. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes hyung?" He didn't answer, just leaned his chin on a fist and continued staring. "Um, hyung? Please stop staring at me." He nodded and sighed, looking out the window.

"You know, Hyungwon-ah, you are really beautiful, but you shouldn't be afraid to tell people to stop staring. Like you do with me. If someone makes you uncomfortable, be it man or woman, tell them to stop or come to me. I will always help you Hyungwon-ah, no matter what." I nodded and looked down, biting my lower lip. I heard him mumble something before the waitress came back with our ice cream.

"One rocky road, and whose the guy who ordered the bubble gum?" I raised my hand. "Figures, the hot ones are always the weirdest. Enjoy!" My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Wonho turned bright red with fury. His hand whipped out and caught her wrist. She gasped and turned back to us.

"What did you just say about him?" He said, his voice low and dangerous. This only happened one other time around me. That was when some really weird guy came up and asked me how much it was to bed me for the night. That was the only time I was ever truly terrified of Wonho.

"I-I said, well you know. Hot guys usually have the weirdest taste. I mean what kind of whack job orders bubble gum ice cream and marshmallow sauce? It doesn't make sense." She said, sounding sassy.

"If I wanted you opinion, no, if HE wanted your opinion on ice cream, he would have asked. But he didn't. Your job is to serve us as the customers. So serve him with respect, and don't say things that can and probably will get you fired. No one wants to be served by a judgmental bitch like you." With that he let go of her wrist.

She scurried away and he relaxed again. I just picked at my ice cream no longer in the mood to eat it. He noticed of course and took my spoon from me, dug into the pink mess, and held it out to me. 

"Hyungwon, you need to eat ok? Who cares what she says, if you like this, then you eat it. No one gets to make you feel worthless or weird, because you aren't. Hyungwon you are perfect just the way you are." I nodded and shyly opened my mouth. He gently fed me until there was no more left in the bowl. He smiled at me and I blushed.

"Thank you hyung, this was a very fun day." He nodded and stared at me again. I sighed. "Hyung, you're staring again." He laughed and leaned across the table top. He lifted his hand and, using his thumb, brushed my bottom lip lightly. I was immediately flustered. He sat back with a smirk and licked his thumb clean. My heart stopped.

"Hmm, that's actually really good, remind me to get that next time." My mind froze, what the hell was that?

"Stop it hyung." I whispered, tears threatening to come out. He looked perplexed.

"Stop what? What did I do wrong?"

"Stop playing with my feelings hyung, I can't take it anymore." I stood up and walked out of the ice cream parlor. I was halfway down the street when he caught up to me. He grabbed my hand and forced me to stop.

"H-Hyungwon. Do.... do you like me?" I refused to look at him. He let go of my hand and stepped back. The first tear fell. "Hyungwon, tell me right now. Do you like me?" I remained silent. "Damn it Hyungwon! Answer me!" I slowly looked at him, my eyes telling him what he needed to know.

"What do you think Hoseok?" Tears fell silently down my cheeks. He looked sad, but also... yep there is was. The disgust was clear to me. I walked backwards slowly and yelped as his hand lashed around my wrist.

"Hyungwon, you need to know.... I-" I shook off his grip, shaking my head as I walked away. As soon as I turned the corner I ran. I don't know where I am going, I just knew I had to get away. Wonho was better off without me, I was nothing to him.

-Time Skip- (Because why not?)

By the time I stopped running, the sun was going down. My lungs hurt and my heart rate was erratic. I stopped inside an alley and leaned against the wall.

"Well well well. Lookey what we have here! A pretty boy wandered to the wrong side of town. What's your name pretty thing?" I looked up to see myself surrounded by a group of men, all tough looking and all had an evil smirk on.

"Please, just let me go home, my roommates are probably looking for me." I made to move away but one of them slammed me into the wall.

"Not so fast pretty boy, we just wanna have some fun. So, what do you say? Wanna have some fun with us?" I shook my head. I just wanted to go home. I should have never run off. I want Shownu hyung and Kihyun hyung. I want Minhyuk hyung and Jooheon-ah and Changkyun-ah. I-I want Wonho hyung.

"Awww, poor thing! Come on, let me make you feel better." I struggled against the men holding me. I didn't want this. I want to go home. But then I remembered.... Wonho... he doesn't want me. He knows I love him now, he was disgusted by me. My heart broke and I stopped struggling. I deserve whatever happens to me. I ruined what little friendship I had left with my favorite hyung.

"There's a good boy. No worries doll face, this will be over before you know it." The first punch had me seeing stars. The second punch made me hunch over in pain. The third punch.... that punch knocked me to the ground. The last thing I heard was footsteps pounding towards us, shouting, and a voice crying my name. 

It  sounded...

It sounded like...


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