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Wonho POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and in the wrong bed... naked with my dick hurting like a motherfucker. I shot up and whipped my head around trying to figure out what happened. Nothing came up. It was all blank to me. I glanced to my left and saw Hyungwon curled up in a ball on my bed. Oh God! Did I have sex with someone while he was in the room?! Please please please tell me I didn't.

A soft moan from my band mate forced me back to reality. Hyungwon sighed and turned over before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up. He seemed different, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's just something about him seems to be missing.

"Good morning Hyungwon-ah. Sleep well?" He nodded and looked around confused. I sighed and braced myself for the oncoming questions.

"Why the fuck am I in your bed? Why are you naked? Why am I in here? WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER?" Ok... so he was freaking out. Noted.

"Shhhh, it's ok Hyungwon-ah." I stood up and walked over to him, cupping his cheeks with my hands. His faced reddened and he jerked his face away. I dropped my hands, somewhat hurt by his actions. I thought that us rooming together would get him to open up to me again. But that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.

"Put some clothes on Wonho hyung. I'll see you at breakfast." With that he limped out the door.

Why was he limping?

-Time Skip-

I walked into Shownu and Kihyun's room after I took a shower. My hair was still damp and I had a towel around my neck.

"Good morning!" Minhyuk chirped, sprinting up to me and hugging me tight. I cringed at his loud voice.

"Minhyuk please stop talking so loud, my head still hurts from last night." Kihyun snapped from his position on his bed. I glanced over at him and jealousy sparked inside me. Hyungwon was curled around him, just like he was at home. I don't know why, but this hurts more than it did before.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Jooheon asked from the couch. I.M's head was on his lap, an arm thrown across his face. I sat on the edge of Kihyun's bed, near Hyungwon's feet. He quickly pulled his feet away and curled into a ball. Of course Kihyun noticed this and glared at me.

Aish this is usless! "I'm going to the gym, I'll be back later!" I got up and stormed out. I was halfway down the hall when the door opened and closed and feet pattered towards me. I ignored them and continued my brisk pace.

"Yah! Wonho hyung! Wait!" I sighed. It was Kihyun. I stopped and waited for him. He caught up to me huffing and puffing.

"What is it Kihyun-ah?" I crossed my arms, impatient. He glared at me and growled.

"I want to know what the fuck you did to my baby! Hyungwon arrived to mine and Shownu's room looking like the dead, almost like he was dying inside. So look me in the eyes and tell me that you didn't hurt him."

I was shocked. Why would I hurt Hyungwon? He was my best friend, even if he didn't show it anymore.

"Why would I hurt my own band mate? Seriously Kihyun-ah, use your head. Hyungwon means the world t-" A small hand slapped my chest.

"Don't say something you don't mean! Hyungwon has suffered so much Hoseok hyung. He needs someone who will love him unconditionally. I will not let my baby get hurt because you are too stupid to realize whe-" He stopped himself, his eyes brimming with tears. My own were wide with surprise.

He turned away and went back inside the room, not sparing me a second glance. Meanwhile my mind was reeling. What happened last night to leave Hyungwon looking so broken and Kihyun letting his momma bear side show?

I didn't really hurt Hyungwon did I? Fuck! If only I could remember what the fuck happened.

"Oh hey! Your friends with pink princess right?" A voice spoke to my right. I turned to see a girl coming out of her room. She looked vaguely familiar. "Oh right, you were too drunk off your ass to even remember my name. I'm Mia, and you are friends with Yoo Kihyun AKA pink princess." She smirked.

A vague memory came to me. This same girl in the hotel club, smack talking with Kihyun. "Oh, right. Well nice to see you again." I moved to walk away when she spoke again.

"It's a shame you know. For such a handsome person, you sure are a stupid motherfucker when it comes to feelings." I turned back to face her, a questioning look on my face. "Really? You didn't think it wasn't noticeable? Boy, anyone with two working eyes could see how much you love that tall lanky frog looking boy. Good lord you two are so cute together but your obvious stupidity is getting in the way."

My mouth went dry as she spoke. What was she talking about?

"Listen, I don't know you guys very well, but that boy with you... he looked so broken. I don't know what happened to him, but I assure you, if you don't find some way to help your friend, you won't have him for very long." With that she walked away, leaving me confused with a breaking heart.

How was everyone else able to notice Hyungwon was breaking and dead inside....

But me?

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