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Kihyun POV

Those idiots weren't answering the phone! I called Hoseok at least 10 times and Hyungwon half a dozen. What were they doing that- oh. Oh! Never mind. I set my phone down with a sigh and returned to chopping vegetables.

"Mia! Help! Jooheon is gonna get me!" I looked up in time to see Minhyuk run behind Mia and huddle behind her, peeking out in fear.

"Minhyuk hyung! I swear to God I am gonna kill you!" I groaned and walked out of the kitchen, ready to knock some heads.

"What happened?" I put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot against the ground, irritated.

"Minhyuk hyung deleted my recording for my mixtape! For the third time!" A mixtape? That's what this is about? A fucking mixtape? I pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed in.

"Uh oh, guys, we may wanna run, Kihyun hyung looks ready to kill us. SHOWNU HYUNG HELP!!!" I.M. screamed, running towards the giant robot of a leader.

"Minhyuk hyung, Jooheon-ah, I'm giving you three minutes to sort this out. If not, I personally will smack you both into oblivion. Understood?" I glared for emphasis. They nodded and scrambled away.

"Nice job Kihyunnie. You have managed to terrify a poor little honey bee and a ball of sunshine. I applaud you." Mia said, smirking. I rolled my eyes, ignoring my fast beating heart. I don't understand why, but every time I see Mia now, my heart starts doing weird little beat skips and I get really flustered.

I don't like it one bit. It makes me feel soft, and cuddly, and I wanna sing about unicorns and stuff. No! Stop thinking about that Kihyun!

"Guys dinner will be ready in 15 minutes! Wash up now!" I yelled and went back to chopping onions and mushrooms.

"Need any help?" I whirled to see Mia leaning against the doorway. I nodded and motioned for her to start chopping the meat into cubes. It was a special meal to celebrate Valentine's day. My mom used to make it for me all the time when I was sad. All the other guys got Valentine's from the girls, because I was chubby, the girls didn't like me. That's why I spent so much time trying to lose my baby fat.

"So, question. Shownu was telling me he was worried about you. He said last night all you had was an orange when you made a huge meal for the rest of the guys. You've been in the gym more and he's worried. So, what's going on with you?"

I dropped the knife with a clatter and turned to look at her. She was still cutting the onions but she had a curious look on her face. I took a deep breath.

"The reason is I feel like the fans don't want to see a chubby Idol, like Wonho and Shownu are buff and Hyungwon and Minhyuk are nice and thin. Jooheon and I.M have round cheeks that match them, and then there was me, the Idol who has an angelic voice but a fat body. I was ashamed. So, I stopped eating so much. I worked out more and lost my baby fat." I couldn't look at her, I was ashamed.

"You know, my friend is your fan and she loves you very much. She was and is very worried about you. She went to your concert in San Antonio, she was worried about how thin you were, she actually threatened to call Starship and chew them out for starving you. Listen Kihyun-ah, you are so strong and so brave, not many people have the courage to sing in front of thousands of people but you do. Never let what other people think, force you to change who you are."

I was shocked by her words. I- I didn't know my fans felt that way, that they were worried about me. I opened my mouth to speak-


I groaned and snapped back into mother mode.

"Jooheon! Minhyuk! Get over here right fucking now! Both of you motherfuckers need to shut the fuck up and get ready for dinner!"

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