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Hyungwon POV

Hearing those words from my favorite hyung should have been the best thing ever. But now, it just feels like he's mocking me. I don't care what Kihyun hyung says, Hoseok needs a taste of his own medicine. He needs to feel my pain, the pain of knowing the object of your love doesn't love you back.

Hoseok entered with a giant bowl of strawberries for me, a huge smile on his face. I glared back. Even with the demon glare I learned from Kihyun, the guy still smiled at me. It was annoying! I was trying to stay mad at the mother fucker.

"You know Wonnie, you really need to stop speaking your thoughts out loud. Seriously? You want me to feel your pain? Well let me tell you a secret," He leaned down close to me until our faces were millimeters apart. I stared at him with wide eyes and my breath caught in my throat. "I don't care if you want me to feel pain. Nothing is worse than knowing you hate me. That's why, I am going to use every fiber of my being to make you mine."

"I thought you were straight Hoseok hyung. What made you change your mind?" I asked, a slight tremor in my tone. I was scared and tired of being hurt. He looked at me for a good minute before smiling. 

"Wonnie, you know, sometimes you just gotta follow your heart. I thought my heart was pointing at others, when in reality it was pointing me home..." I tilted my head in confusion. He sighed and stepped back, a small frown on his face. "Don't you understand Wonnie? Do you know what I'm trying to tell you?"

I thought about his words but they didn't make sense to me. My brain was fuzzy and I was hormonal as fuck. So what did I do?

I burst into tears. Wonho looked scared and quickly scooped me into his arms, gently rocking me back and forth.

"No, shhh, Wonnie, it's ok! Shhhhh, don't cry. Come on honey, don't cry." His tone was so gentle but the tears already started, and once they start I can't stop them. Fucking hormones! I wiped my eyes and sniffled.

"I'm sorry! It's my hormones. I can't control it." He laughed and ruffled my hair. I growled and smacked his hand away. "I am not a fucking dog! Stop petting me!" I stood up and walked out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

"What did he do?" Kihyun asked, running in from the kitchen. I ignored him and kept walking until I reached the the pantry and pulled out a giant bag of Cheetos. Glaring at Kihyun, I walked into the living room and plopped on the couch.

"Hyungwon hyung! Let's watch the new Avengers movie!" Jooheon shouted as he and Changkyun ran into the room. Changkyun sat down beside me and reached for my Cheetos. I snarled at him and pulled them away, Jooheon giving a small yelp of fear at my actions.

"Whoa! Hyung? Are you ok?" I snorted at his question.

"Really Jooheonie? You wanna ask me if I'm Ok?" I saw his expression turn into one that said 'I fucked up'. "Let's count all the things that have happened to me shall we? First, I got beat up by a bunch of fucking gangsters. Then, I found out I'm pregnant by my own fucking band mate. And third, I HAVE HORMONES! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It was silent as I munched on the snacks, glaring at anyone who looked me in the eyes.

"Hoseok! I think it's time you fetched your man." Kihyun yelled, triggering me.

"I AM NOT HIS MAN! If he wants me, he needs to put a god damn ring on my finger!" I felt two arms lift me up from behind and throw me over his shoulder. I kicked and pummeled his back, trying to get him to put me down.

"Stop it Hyungwon! You are being ridiculous!" Hoseok snapped. My jaw dropped and my eyes watered. Did he just yell at me? I sniffled and went limp as he opened the door to our room and gently shut it before placing me on my bed. I curled into a ball immediately, snuggling into my pillows. "Hyungwon?"

"Go away! Leave me alone!" I cried, curling away from him. He sighed and pulled me to him gently, wrapping me in his arms. I don't like this, he hurt me! I can't and won't forgive him that easily. He needs to feel my pain.

"Hyungwon, I am sorry for snapping at you. But you needed to calm down and listen because getting stressed, I read that that isn't good for the baby. I stiffened and whimpered.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, turning my face away. He hummed and rocked me gently back and forth.

"It's ok Wonnie. I understand, but you gotta work on controlling your hormones." I nodded. "When is the first ultrasound?"

"Next week, why?" 

"I promised to be there, so I will." My heart stuttered at his words. That's right, he made promises to Kihyun. He is obligated to come with me, he doesn't want to. He needs to. I see where I stand... no where the baby and I stand. I struggled out of his arms and laid down.

"I need some space hyung. Can you go buy me some ice cream please?" I heard him sigh and stand up. He walked out the door and muttered words under his breath. The ones I caught were heartbreaking to me.

"This is what I get for trying to be nice to this guy, shut out." I closed my eyes and cried. 

The only thing I can do, is be grateful for this kid inside me. Now I have my own little piece of Hoseok with me.

Because I still can't have the real him, because I gotta be honest with myself. 

I don't trust him.

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