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Hoseok POV

As soon as the car stopped, I sprinted into the hospital, my heart beating like it would burst out of my chest. I skidded to a halt in front of the nurses station, panting. Changkyun caught up and politely asked where Hyungwon's room was.

"Oh, Mr. Chae is in room 602, but be careful, he is still resting. Take it easy, the others are with him right now, and it looks like the doctor should be heading up there for another check up." We bowed in thanks and ran to the elevator.

"It's gonna be ok hyung. Hyungwonnie hyung is very strong, I have no doubt that he and your child are  completely fine." I nodded, taking in a shuddering breath. Changkyun's right, Hyungwon will be ok, he has to. 

The doors opened and I immediately sprinted for 602, bursting through the doors and freezing. Hyungwon was on the hospital bed, screaming in fear and pain, cursing at everyone in the room before collapsing back on the bed. His breathing evened out, his hospital clothes sticking to him with sweat.

"What the hell is going on? What did the doctors say?" I asked, moving to his side, brushing his bangs off his forehead. He whimpered at my touch and nuzzled into my hand. I shushed him and scooted beside him on the narrow hospital bed, moving him so his head was resting against my chest.

"The doctor said when he first came out of the E.R. that Hyungwon suffered from blood loss, but they were able to give him a transfusion that was able to stabilize him. Don't worry, the baby is ok, and he kinda slipped by telling all of us the gender so, yeah there's that. But other than that, Hyungwon will be ok to leave tomorrow as soon as they check up on him, make sure everything is alri-" The doctor came in with her face pinched in worry. She noticed us and a bright smile was plastered on her face.

"Oh! Um, I'm Dr. Kim Jinhee, may I talk to Mr. Shin?" I stood up and followed the doctor out of the room. The door closed behind us and the smile Dr. Kim had on her face vanished.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Shin, we lost on of the babies, your other son. The blood loss was too much, your son is fine though. He'll be delivered on time according to the charts. But Mr. Chae will feel the absence of his lost fetus. Make sure he doesn't take any other medications besides the ones we prescribe him. And for God's sake, don't put any stress on him. He is in a very delicate position right now." She gently squeezed my shoulder before she walked to the next room.

I leaned against the wall, my legs feeling like jelly. We would have been having twins? I stared blankly at the wall, tears pooling in my eyes. The door opened and Kihyun stepped out with Changkyun.

"Hyung? Are you ok?" I looked at them, the first tear streaking down my face.

"K-Kihyun, Hyungwon and I-I, we w-were gonna h-have twins." I choked out, falling to my knees. Kihyun immediately went to mother mode and scooped me into a hug. Changkyun had a hand over his mouth, tears falling from his eyes. The door opened again and Shownu came out with Jooheon and Minhyuk.

"Hoseok-ah, Hyungwon-ah is asking for you." His voice was somber and full of compassion. He knew, and that meant... Hyungwon knew. I stood up and wiped my eyes, putting a smile on my face. I need to be strong for him.

I pushed open the door and there he was, sitting up, his hand unconsciously rubbing his bump, gazing out the window.

"They are gonna take him out tonight after you guys leave, but I told them I wanted you here." His voice was soft. I sat down beside him, placing my hand on his bump and leaning down to give it a small kiss.

"It's ok babe, I'll be there for you. Always." 

"I'm a horrible mother. Hoseok, I killed one of our kids." His voice cracked and his small body shook with sobs. I wrapped him in my arms and maneuvered us into a comfortable position.

"Hey, listen to me. It is not your fault, it was an accident. Everyone makes mistakes, God knows how many I've made, but the important thing is that you are ok, and that you still are a mother." He nodded his head weakly, burying his nose in my neck. I kissed his forehead and we waited for the time to come.

"Myungho." Hyungwon said out of the blue.


"I am naming him Myungho. I met up with Minghao and Junhui last month and Woozi came in yelling for Myungho. I was confused before they told me Minghao's Korean name is Myungho and I guess I fell in love with the name. I asked Minghao if I could use it to name out child and he was so happy." It was silent for a while before he spoke again."Our other son, I would have named him Xavier."

I nodded, placing my hand protectively on his stomach before drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to the doctor's telling me it was time. I gave Hyungwon one last kiss before they wheeled him out. Now to wait.

-Two and a half hours later-

I walked to the little bundle on the cart, a white sheet over the tiny body. I bent down and placed my hand on his tiny head.

"I'll see you in Heaven buddy, until then, give the angels Hell for me." I stood up and walked out, my heart breaking more with each step.

I love you Xavier, with all my heart.

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