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Hyungwon POV

As we headed home, I cuddled my son cooing over how adorable he was after he woke up from his 5th nap of the day.

"Can I hold him?" Kihyun asked, his eyes staring lovingly at the small child. I nodded and gently handed Myungho to his god-father. Kihyun would be a great father, he has an amazing way with children, wonder if he is a carrier.

"Look Kiki, he has your done with life look in his eyes!" Jooheon yelped soon after as I smacked the back of his head.

"Hey! That kid is mine, mine and Hoseok's." I glared and turned my attention to my phone. I was in a group message with Minghao and Jun. They adopted a little boy from Beijing last month, he was a pudgy little thing named Po.

"Calm down babe, he's just saying that our son acts like a Kihyun. He is still very much ours." Hoseok said from the front where he was with Shownu talking about our new comeback. I was about to answer when my phone rang. It was Minghao.

"Hello? Minghao?"

"Hey! Hyung! Let's take Po out to the park today, Junnie is with Hoshi hyung preparing for our new comeback and Jeonghan eomma is with S.Coups hyung taking Chan to meet some professor who gave Chan a D- on his term paper." I giggled. Jeonghan was a very protective eomma just like Kihyun. They get together with Jin every other month now.

"Sure! You can finally meet little Myungho, he has already started showing signs of going into the thug life." Minghao giggled. "I'll meet you there around 4?"

Hoseok's head snapped up to meet my gaze, his eyebrows furrowing. I knew that look, he wanted to come too. Anywhere I was, he was as well. That's my man, fiercely protective of me.

"Correction, me and Hoseok will meet you at 4, we'll bring the bubble tea as well." I looked pointedly at Hoseok as I said that. He just nodded and went back to discussing things with Shownu. I ended the call and settled back in my seat, prepared to just relax-

"Jooheon! Take that out of your mouth! You are not teaching my godson bad manners!" Kihyun shrieked, Myungho starting to cry. I held out my arms for my son, sighing in content as he was snuggled into my chest, his cries turning into soft whimpers.

God, I can't wait to get home.

-Time Skip-

"Hurry the fuck up! We are gonna be late!" I scolded Hoseok as he struggled to carry the baby carrier, baby bag, and bubble teas, all on his own. I carried Myungho and the camera.

"I would go faster babe, if you would help me a little bit." I rolled my eyes and took my bubble tea from him.

"There, now hurry, we're almost there!" I sped up and took in the scenery, Hoseok mumbling curses all the while. I ignored him, I had friends to meet.

"Hyunggie! Over here!" I looked and saw Minghao with little Po at the swings. I waved and headed for the pair.

"Hao! How are you?" He chuckled and patted the little boy's hair.

"I'm good, tired but good. Junnie has been a great help and it's never a dull moment in the dorms. Po likes Woozi's guitars so, there is that. And he likes copying Mingyu, so the dorm is constantly filled with laughter over how awkward that giant is with his mini me. Other than that? Everything seems to be going so well, I'm scared it's a dream."

I nodded, it's completely understandable. I'm still waiting for Hoseok to pop the question. He's been hinting, but so far, I don't see a ring.

"Hyungwon-ah! Come here! You took the wrong bubble tea, that one was Minghao's." Hoseok called. I glared before looking at the cup in my hands. It is not-

Oh, it is. I gave a sheepish smile and walked back towards my adorable boyfriend. I didn't notice Minghao giving me a knowing smirk. 

"Sorry babe, I wasn't paying attention." He just chuckled and handed me the right tea. Thank God I didn't drink from Minghao's. I lifted the cup before words written on the side caught my eye.

Turn around<3

I turned around to find Hoseok kneeling on the grass, a small velvet box in his hands. I gasped and held Myungho tighter to me, tears pricking at my eyes. Minghao quickly walked over and took my son so I could focus on Hoseok.

"Hyungwon, I know I'm not perfect, and I know that I've made mistakes. But I also know how much I love you, how much you mean to me. I don't have the world, but when I look at you and our son, I feel like I have the universe. With that in mind, Hyungwon, will you please do me the incredible honor..."

I was crying hard by this point. All my dreams were coming true. Once and for all.

"Of becoming Shin Hyungwon?"

I glanced over at our son, his gummy smile peaking out as Minghao made silly faces at him, Po waddling here and there. I breathed in deeply before staring down at the gorgeous man asking for my hand.



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