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Hyungwon POV

Kihyun forced Wonho out of our room and made him sleep with Shownu. I'm not complaining, he helps me when I burst into tears in the middle of the night. It's been maybe 4 or 5 days since then and our group is falling apart. Kihyun told me that Starship is allowing the entire group vacation for my term while also telling me I am not allowed to get an abortion. In other words, I have to have this baby, the baby that Wonho fathered and didn't want.

"Hyungwon, come on, you need to eat." I burrowed deeper into my blankets. "Come on, don't make me get Shownu." God, Minhyuk is so annoying. "Don't make me get Kihyun hyung." My eyes snapped open.

"Ugh fine I'm up." I sat up and climbed down from my bed. I was wearing my oldest grey hoodie and a pair of flannel pajama bottoms, the same outfit I've had on for going on three days. I just... don't have any motivation to get dressed or do anything. And it hurts. I'm not used to feeling like this, even when I was heartbroken over knowing that Hoseok would never love me.

"Come on Wonnie, Kihyun-ah made you pancakes and eggs. Remember? You loved those in America." I nodded and forced my lips into a smile. Minhyuk's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Who is the mother fucker who broke my frying pan? Wait.... WHO BURNED MY POT?" Kihyun screamed from the kitchen. Minhyuk and I glanced at each other before rushing out of the room.

We made our way to the kitchen to see Shownu hyung standing in front of cowering Jooheon who looked about ready to cry.

"Kihyun-ah, it was an accident, please calm down." Shownu said, hands out to placate the angry hamster troll cross breed. Kihyun was massaging his temples as though in pain. Minhyuk went to Jooheon and pulled him into the living room. I sighed and turned around...

Only to bump into the one person I really didn't want to see. Wonho looked terrible to say the least. His skin was pale and he had bags under his eyes. His hair was oily and hung in strands and his lips were chapped and cracked.

"Oh, didn't realize you were there. Huh, suddenly not so hungry." With that he turned away, only to freeze as Kihyun threw a knife at him. There was a dull thud and we all stared at the steak knife embedded in the wall, inches away from Wonho's face.

"Listen here you son of a bitch. I understand you aren't happy, but over my dead fucking body will you continue to treat your dongsaeng and my baby like shit. So, here is what is gonna happen. You are gonna go to every single ultrasound appointment, you are gonna help Hyungwon, and you are not gonna talk down to him. Have I made myself clear?" Kihyun seethed, hands on his hips and fury in his eyes.

Wonho's eyes flicked to me before he turned to Kihyun.

"And if I don't?" My eyes filled with tears. His voice was mocking and made me want to curl into myself. I.M came up and hugged me from behind, nuzzling into my back.

"If you don't then you will have to live with the knowledge that you are what you hate the most." Shownu said, his deep rumbling voice carrying from his position at the door. Wonho cocked and eyebrow at him in question.

"You will be a liar and a promise breaker. You said so yourself Wonho, you hate liars and you hate breaking promises. You promised Hyungwon you will never leave him. So prove it. Stop letting your pride get in the way of helping your friend. He is hurting Wonho, look at him." Shownu gestured to me and Wonho glanced at me before doing a double take. His eyes widened as he took in my shivering frame.

I'll admit, I was not the visual I used to be. My cheeks were pudgier than normal, my hair was a mess, my skin was kinda blotchy, my eyes were red rimmed and had bags under them. All in all, if the fans saw me now, they'd think I was ill.

His eyes flickered in pain and he hung his head. I knew that position. It was the same one he had when he was chosen as one of the few who stood to be eliminated after our duet. I've never seen that position after that day, but now here it was. I named it the Position of Fear. Not in the sense of his fear of heights, but the sense of his fear of losing someone or something he loves.

"I understand Kihyun-ah, I will stay by Hyungwon." He said, eyes fastened on the floor. Kihyun grunted and stalked out, taking Shownu by the ear and glaring at Jooheon.

"You owe me a new pot Jooheonie, and Shownu, you better find a way to fix my frying pan. That was given to me by my mother." He ranted, dragging our robot leader to the kitchen. I.M gave me one final nuzzle before letting me go and walking around Wonho. I decided I wasn't welcome anymore and started off to my room.

A hand lashed around my wrist and I froze. "I-I am sorry for how I have treated you Hyungwon. I'll stay by you, but I'm not ready to claim this child as mine." I nodded.

"It's fine, I never expected the great Shin Wonho to accept me or my child. No worries, you can say I'm used to you disappointing me." I snarled, glaring at him. Like fucking hell I'll forgive him just like that. He hurt me so much and my heart will never be the same, no scratch that, my entire being will never be the same. He fucking broke me, and maybe it's wrong but...

I want to break him too, with whatever means necessary.

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