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Hoseok POV

I held my breath as Hyungwon went under, his grip on my hand loosening. I prayed to any God out there that I get both of them when this is over, my lover and my child.

"Nurse Seo, please note I am starting the incision just below the sternum, heading down towards the navel." The doctor was precise and efficient, telling us what he was doing as he was doing it. "Alright, I see the baby, ooh he looks like a strong one. Ok, starting the incision on the womb, Nurse Lee, please give me the clamp, I need to block this vessel. Thank you... ok now, look alive everyone, our mission is to bring this child into the world without a problem."

I breathed in sharply as I heard those words. Was there usually trouble when giving birth? God damn it! I should have read those articles and notes Mia gave me.

"Mr. Shin? We are almost done getting your son out, then we can begin closing the incision." One of the male nurses told me, clapping me on the back. I nodded and stared at Hyungwon's sleeping face. I watched in amusement as his eyebrows twitch in irritation.

A sudden shrill cry pierced the air and my heart lurched. The doctor lifted up a screaming bundle, the nurses scrambling to disconnect my son from the umbilical chord. Doing so, they immediately started the incision.

A few minutes later and Hyungwon and I were led to a room a nurse wheeling my son in behind us. I settled in the chair beside Hyungwon's bed, the nurse gently lifting my son who immediately started screaming. Damn my boy has some lungs on him.

"Jooheon shut the fuck up. Stop yelling." Hyungwon mumbled, his eyes fluttering open. He took in the screaming baby, the red faced nurse, and me all in one go before holding his arms out for our son. "Hand him over or I will slice your obviously worked on breast work off and shove them down your throat." He glared and the woman handed him over like a hot potato. I stood up and leaned to look at the small creature we both made.

He cooed at the small face poking out from the blanket, tiny fists clutching the air, an angry pout on his face, his eyes open and glaring out at the world, obviously pissed at everything already. I frowned. He had Hyungwon's puffy lips and small face, the only thing of me I saw was his bulky body.

"Hey, why does he look more like you?" Hyungwon whipped his head to glare at me, our son doing the exact thing.

"Excuse you! Did you fucking carry this child in your stomach for 9 months? Did you suffer from hormonal break downs? Did you go through c-section? No! So shut the fuck up and admire this beautiful fucking child with me. If you say one more negative thing, I will shove my foot so far up your ass you won't sit for 9 months, have I made myself clear."

I chuckled and kissed him swiftly. He grimaced and glared at me, looking down at the now sleeping bundle in his arms. The doors burst open and 5 very loud men stumbled into the room followed by one angry female.

"Look at the baby!" Changkyun shouted, running to the bed with a wide smile. I shot him a glare as he looked lovingly at my son, letting out a small growl.

"Slow your roll there alpha, no one is gonna take your kid and boyfriend." Kihyun scoffed, his face softening as he took in my son.

"Did you name him yet?" Minhyuk asked, bouncing on his toes. Mia frowned at him and smacked the back of his head.

"The kid is not a fucking dog, of course they named him." Minhyuk yelped and scurried behind Kihyun, nuzzling his face into the shorter ones neck. Again, how the hell is he top in their relationship? It makes no sense!

"His name is Myungho. And right now, I'm tired so can we please do all these formalities in the morning? I wanna sleep." He handed the now calm bundle to me and laid back, closing his eyes. The guys all nodded and I sat down, cuddling the small body to my chest.

A few minutes later, Hyungwon's slight snuffles rang out, indicating he was dead asleep. I giggled and looked down at the small face.

"Hello my little one, I'm Hoseok, your dad, and over there is mommy Hyungwon. And we also have Uncle's Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Jooheon, and Changkyun. Shownu is like a teddy bear, really soft and cuddly but really protective. Minhyuk is a ray of sunshine, really hyper and loves games, Kihyun is the mommy of our group and he may act like a prick but he is really caring. Then we have Jooheon, our soft rapper, he's really powerful on stage, but like a baby off stage. And Changkyun, he is our maknae, our little brother. We also have Mia, she is mommy's care taker. I hope that even though you are here she'll stick around. She's a part of our small family now, just like you. Anyone who can rival Kihyun deserves to be in our family." I placed a small kiss on his forehead before standing up and setting him down on Hyungwon's chest, his head right over the heartbeat.

Sleep well my angels, tomorrow will be a big day.

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