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Hoseok POV

I woke up to a weight on my chest and looked down, melting at the sight of Hyungwon curled on my chest. I smiled and nuzzled his hair, breathing in his smell. I glanced at the clock and my jaw dropped. It was 9:50 in the morning! Why so early? I groaned and rolled over, disturbing Wonnie from his sleep.

"Ugh, Hoseok, please I am begging you, stop moving around so much." He whined and snuggled deeper into my chest, placing a soft kiss over my heart. I grinned and brushed the hair off his forehead, peppering kisses all along his face in an attempt to wake him up. I only succeeded in making him snuggle down deeper and pull me into a very heated kiss.

After a few minutes, I pulled away and sat up. He glared at me and turned away from me, giving me the middle finger over his shoulder. I chuckled and grabbed his legs pulling him to the edge of the bed.

"Hoseok! You little fucker!" He squealed, the bite taken out of his words as a huge smile lit up his face.

"I'm pretty sure last night I proved I was anything but little." He blushed and punched my chest multiple times.

"No! Don't say things like that this early!" He shrieked, pulling the sheet over his head. I laughed and pulled him up, gripping him by the backs of his thighs. He smiled and jumped up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I grinned and carried him to the bathroom, setting him down on the counter while I ran a bath. I could feel him staring at me and an idea came to me.

I lazily stretched my arms over my head and rested my hands behind my head, feeling my back muscles shift with the movements. It was silent from Hyungwon for a while and I got nervous. I turned around, just to get tackled to the floor by one hormonal turtle.

He kissed me hard, biting on my lower lip. I smiled against his mouth and rolled us over, running my hand up and down his back. He mewled into my mouth as I sucked on his tongue, wrapping his legs around my waist. I grinned and sucked on his neck, grinding against him. I pillowed his head on my arm as I stared down at him, pecking his nose.

"Round 2?" He nodded.

And that's how I ended up reliving last night. Twice.

-Time Skip-

We headed up the steps to the dorm, Hyungwon leaning heavily against me. My poor baby was in so much pain, but hey, he wanted it. 

"Babe, can you carry me? It hurts too much." I smiled and picked him up, grinning as he yelped in surprise. I opened the door and froze.

Kihyun was on the couch with a scared expression on his face, Minhyuk looked shocked, Mia looked proud of herself, Shownu for once showed the emotion confusion, Jooheon had apparently fainted, and Changkyun looked over life.

"The fuck happened here?" Hyungwon asked, looking around the room. Kihyun stood up and grabbed him out of my arms, marching towards his room. I stared after them before glaring at the rest.

"So, any explanation?" Mia opened her mouth but after seeing Minhyuk's glare, shut her mouth. "Fine, I guess I'll just call the manager then." I pulled out my phone and stared them down. Mia looked at Minhyuk before sighing. She gestured for me to follow her to the kitchen.

"Look, don't freak out but, today, Kihyun and Minhyuk realized something about each other that is very good." I nodded for her to continue. "Last night we all got a bit drunk and played spin the bottle, Jooheon's idea. When the bottle landed on Minhyuk, Changkyun dared him to kiss Kihyun. Kihyun protested with a lot of swearing, but they ended up kissing anyways. This morning, Minhyuk confessed to Kihyun and even though I know he does, Kihyun refuses to admit he likes Minhyuk back just as much and slapped him."

My head was reeling at the news. Kihyun.... and Minhyuk..... together? What the actual fuck! But I gotta admit they would actually look cute together.

The door to the room opened and Hyungwon came out with a very angry expression.

"LEE MINHYUK! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T MAN UP AND TALK WITH KIHYUN YOU ARE FUCKING SLEEPING OUTSIDE!" I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He was panting and his face was completely red.

Minhyuk paled and bolted for the room, knocking once before entering. I sat down and pulled Hyungwon into my lap, kissing his neck softly. Changkyun gave me a smirk.

"So, is Hyungwon any more pregnant than he already is?" He teased and the boy in my lap stiffened, his head snapping up to look at our Maknae with anger in his eyes.

"Changkyun, I am going to give you three seconds to run before I scream and make Kihyun come out here." Changkyun paled and nodded.

We were all just laying in the living room watching Annabelle when Jooheon woke up and went to his room to grab his plushie. He screamed and ran back out, pale and with wide eyes. We all looked at him worried.

"Guys, I don't mean to alarm you but... Minhyuk and Kihyun hyung are in the room at this moment..." He paused and stared at us. And stared. And stared.


"Guys, let's hope no one else can get pregnant in this group."

Hyungwon and I glanced at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Lee Jooheon you fucking cock block! I'm going to fucking castrate you!" Kihyun screamed.

Lord have mercy on our souls. 

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