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Wonho POV

With heavy steps I headed to the dorms. My head was filled with thoughts of Hyungwon, his broken face as he walked away. The way he took one look at my face and shut down. My poor Wonnie, he looked so broken.... and it was my fault. I should have stopped him. I should have made him listen to me. But no, my dumb ass let him run away.

I entered the dorm only to be faced with an angry Kihyun. Uh oh.

"Where is Hyungwon? Why isn't he with you? WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Wait.. Hyungwon wasn't back yet?

"What do you mean where's Hyungwon? He left before me, he should have reached here by now." I entered our room and looked around for him. Nope, no where. I ran back out. Kihyun was glaring at me.

"What did you do to my baby hyung? What did you do to him? Shownu and Minhyuk are out there looking for him, Jooheon and I.M are at Starship in case he turns up there. I stayed here to make sure to be here if he came home, and what do you do? Waltz in with not a fucking care in the world. Hyung, I swear to God, you had better not have hurt him."

"Kihyun-ah, can I tell you something?" He froze and nodded. I took a deep breath. "Hyungwon-ah, I found out that he likes me." Kihyun paled.

"Hyung, you didn't.... you didn't look at him in any way that would be interpreted as bad right?" I thought back. Oh no... I hung my head. Kihyun growled at me. "YOU STUPID STUPID HYUNG!" He screamed and tackled me. Pummling my chest and cursing at me until Shownu showed up and peeled him off me.

"Kihyun-ah calm down. We need your help, there is only one place he could be but we need your help to navigate it. Wonho, I'll talk to you later, for now stay here in case he comes back here." I nodded and watched with sad eyes as they left. Before the door closed, I saw Minhyuk give me a glare, his eyes burning with anger. I sighed. I deserve it, I deserve his anger.

I know I'm not gay, I know I like girls.... but when Hyungwon ran away from me, my heart broke. I never wanted to hurt him, but I...... think I just broke him.

-Time Skip-

"Wonho, get me some clean towels and some disinfectant. Also, I need hot water, band aids, gauze, and ice." Kihyun shouted as he burst through the door, Shownu following carrying in his arms a limp and lifeless Hyungwon. Minhyuk followed, his eyes red and puffy. My eyes locked on Hyungwon and I froze. He looked so small and fragile.

"Yah! Did you not hear him? Get the things now!" Minhyuk screamed at me. I recoiled and rushed to get the things for Kihyun. As soon as I did, I attempted to follow them into Hyungwon and mine's room. Shownu stopped me.

"I think it's best if you stay out here Wonho." I sighed and nodded. I knew the reasoning for this. This was my fault. All of this was my fault.

I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. Jooheon and I.M were there and I felt them glare at me. I looked at them and sighed. "If you have something to say, just say it."

"You really are a dumb ass aren't you hyung?" I gazed sharply at my maknae. "You had one fucking job, one job. You know how sensitive Hyungwon is, how he reads expressions. We all knew he loved you as more than a bandmate, we saw his pain as you took girls out and never once looked back at him. We were there when you weren't. You were so caught up in yourself hyung, that you forgot your best friend. Did Kihyun ever tell you about what Hyungwon hung did?" I shook my head. What did he do? "Hyungwon overdosed on sleeping pills because he was so sick of hurting because of you and your fucking ignorance."

My eyes widened. Hyungwon tried to kill himself? Because of me? Tears formed in my eyes. "I-I didn-"

"We know hyung, you never did anything, you never took the time to find out why Hyungwon was getting more distant, why he stopped smiling off camera, why he stopped eating, why he stopped being our Hyungwon. You just don't get it, Hyungwon's so much more than people make him out to be. But you.... you should have known him well enough to see when he was in pain. But instead, when the truth came out and you had the opportunity to help him, you let him go and in doing that, I think you broke his heart even more."

With that they got up and went inside their room. My head was pounding. My heart was breaking. The door to my room opened and Shownu stepped out. I bolted for him and tried to walk into my room. Shownu blocked me again.

"Wonho, I think it would be best if you and Kihyun switched rooms for tonight." I shook my head.

"No, I want to see him Shownu hyung. I need to see if he is alright." At that Shownu's face took on a bright red color.

"I don't think you have the right to. Do you have any idea what it was like to see him tonight? No, so here I'll tell you. When we got there, he was in an alley surrounded by men. I saw him struggle against them for maybe a minute before he gave up. He gave up. He let them hit him. I have no idea what you did to him Wonho, but for your sake, I hope he gets out of this alright. If not, then I swear to God, you will regret ever hurting him." With that he walked into his room and slammed the door.

I sank to the floor and cried. My poor Hyungwonnie. I am so sorry. The door opened again and Kihyun stepped out. He glared at me but I just stared back. He sighed.

"Go on, but don't touch him or anything. He needs rest." With that he walked away. I entered the room with a heavy heart. On my bed was Hyungwon, he looked so small and broken. I crossed over to him and brushed the hair off his forehead.

"I'm so sorry Hyungwon-ah. I promise when you wake up, I'll let you tell me everything." I lightly kissed his forehead.

I turned for the door and paused.

"I may not be gay, but Hyungwon, I think I may be gay for you."

I didn't see him open his eyes and stare at me. But I could have sworn I heard him mumble, "I love you hyung."

"I love you Wonnie."

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