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Hyungwon POV

*Two months later*

I woke up to dead silence and automatically feared the worst. Waking up in a shared dorm with 6 other guys, you get used to things being loud in the mornings. When it's not, then you should be worried. Another thing that worried me... Hoseok wasn't sleeping beside me. He always wakes me up with my good morning kisses. 

I sat up with a bit of a struggle, since my stomach literally looks like I swallowed a watermelon. Rubbing my bump out of habit, I checked my calendar. Almost time for the due date, in fact, really close. The baby is due in approximately a week or so, depending on development the doctor said.

I stood up and shuffled to the closet, pulling on one of my newer hoodies... well new to me, it's one of Hoseok's older hoodies he never wears. I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen for more banana milk. If this day couldn't get any worse... some fucking idiotic cunt drank my last banana milk! And I'll bet it was Minhyuk too. Pouting, I pulled out the grape juice and chugged. Something caught my eye on the fridge. A sticky note with one of the worst pick up lines ever was written in Hoseok's messy hand along with new information about where they went. And it wasn't to get me fucking banana milk either, it was to go get Showu hyung a new phone. This is the 5th one this month alone, what the fuck does that man do with his phones?

I huffed and threw myself on the couch, taking Hoseok's laptop and signing into his Netflix. I already finished watching Naruto for the 5th time, so now I gotta choose between Inuyasha or Descendants of the Sun. Not in the mood to cry though, so Inuyasha it is.

In the middle of the 20th episode, the guys finally came back, loudly making their presence known. I waited until they noticed I was there.

"Do you think hyung will like the present we got him?" I raised a brow at the maknae who was talking with Kihyun.

"He better, Hoseok spent a lot of money on that- Hey Hyungwonnie!" I pouted and turned away from the smiling hamster. He let his boyfriend drink my last banana milk, that is a crime I am not able to forgive so easily. "We got you some more banana milk, seeing as how yours are gone."

And he's forgiven! I jumped up and gave him a hug just as Hoseok walked in carrying a box.

"Hey babe! Did you sleep well?" I nodded, my attention now on the box that let out a suspicious sound. It sounded like... a meow?

"Hoseok? What is that?" He set the box down with a smile and gestured for me to open it. Doing so I gasped and squealed like a little school girl. Inside was the most gorgeous kitten ever! And I know exactly which one it is too.

Last week I was looking online and I found the most adorable kitten ever. It was a Bengal house cat and was the most precious thing you ever saw. I told Hoseok that I wanted one for my birthday and I guess he decided to buy one early for me.

"Babe, you bought me the cat I wanted?" I picked up the tiny ball of fluff and cooed. Cuddling the small creature to my chest, I walked over to where my sweet boyfriend was sitting and settled in his lap, leaning to kiss his cheek. "Thank you love."

He chuckled and shifted me around so I was more comfortable on his lap. "What are you gonna name her?" The kitten squirmed around before jumping out of my arms and dashing into the kitchen.

I thought for a while before smiling, "I wanna name her Mia."

He looked startled at me for  a second before he spoke. "Why Mia?"

I opened my mouth to answer when a scream came from Kihyun's domain. Jooheon came out screaming, a small spotted creature attached to his face, claws digging into his skin.

"Get this creature of the Devil off of me! Please! It hurts!" Kihyun came out of his room calmly, Minhyuk behind him looking amused.

"You poked her didn't you?" Kihyun said, rolling his eyes. I stood up and grabbed the kitten by the scruff of her neck, detaching her from the rappers face. Setting her down in my room I closed the door and went back to cuddle Hoseok.

Right as I settled, I felt a small pain in my stomach, one that got bigger by the second.

"H-Hoseok..." I whispered, hunching over, clutching my stomach. He didn't hear me, he was too busy snapping at Minhyuk for trying to eat my strawberries. What is it with that sunshine and my food? "H-Hoseok!"

"One second Hyungwon, I gotta teach this disrespectful boy what's what." God damn you!


"SHIN HOSEOK! Grab the car now! Hyungwon is in labor!" Mia burst into the room, glaring daggers at my lover. Hoseok took one look at me before scooping me up and rushing me out the door.

We were half way to the hospital when my water broke, and damn that was fucking scary. I grabbed Hoseok's hand and squeezed as my first contraction hit.

"Fucking hell!" Hoseok leaned forward and urged the driver to go faster. Minutes later we pulled into the Emergency entrance and Hoseok lifted me out of the car. Running inside he looked for help.

Nurses assessed the situation and brought a gurney and Hoseok gently set me down on it. The nurses wheeled me away, telling Hoseok to hurry if he wanted to be there for the birth of our son. My contractions were getting worse, turning me into a complete and utter bitch.

"You're doing great baby." I whipped my head to glare at him.

"Don't fucking talk to me! You did this to me! Do you have any idea how much pain I'm in? You fucker! Next time, keep your fucking cock in your pants!" I screamed, clamping down on his hand in pain. He just brushed my bangs away from my face as the doctor came in, prepping me for c-section.

The nurse in charge placed a mask over my mouth and nose and told me to breathe in deeply. I did as I was told, my grip on Hoseok's hand getting weaker as my vision went dark.

God, I hope I deliver a healthy baby. With all my heart.

A/N Hey guys! So this book is almost done! All that's left is 2 more Chapters and an Epilogue and then I can finally say this book is completed!

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