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Hyungwon POV

After that lovely episode where Jooheon was scarred for life and the two new love birds of our group came out, the first thing to happen was me smacking Minhyuk upside the head.

"Ouch! Hyungwon-ah! Hoseok control your man please, I'm losing to many brain cells." Hoseok simply glanced at me and smiled.

"Minnie, dear sweet Minnie. You barely had any brain cells to begin with." Minhyuk gasped and cuddled against Kihyun who looked annoyed at everything. He threw his arm out and tucked Minhyuk into his side while scrolling through his phone.

I snorted and snuggled into Hoseok's chest, staring at the newest couple. Minhyuk was the sunshine of our group, always smiling, the happy virus. Kihyun was the mother of the group, sassy, salty, had a huge attitude.... they were complete opposites. I guess that's what makes them perfect for each other. 

"Hyungwon?" Shownu poked my cheek and I turned on him with a snarl.

"Shit!" He stumbled back with a curse and Hoseok rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Sorry Shownu, he doesn't like his cheek being poked anymore. He get's rather demonic when that happens."  Shownu gave me a wary look before turning to Kihyun. 

"Ki, you and Minhyuk need to tell the manager about your relationship. He knows about Hyungwon and Hoseok, now we need to come clean about you two. But before that,  Jooheon.... Changkyun.... anything you wanna say?" The two rappers became interested in the carpet. 

I sat up and smirked. So, JooKyun is real? Interesting. "Guys, it's literally nothing to be ashamed of-"

"I'm actually dating #Gun, we've been going strong for 1 year now." Jooheon said, blushing furiously. "And, the manager already knows. Changkyun has been helping me sneak out to see him so you guys wouldn't snoop."

My eyes bugged out. I stared at Changkyun. "So what about you? Anything you wanna say?"

"Yeah, I'm currently single and looking for someone who will snuggle with me until the world ends."  Kihyun smiled and nodded while slapping Minhyuk's hand away, which went a little too far south for his comfort. 

"Ouch! What is this? Hit Minhyuk day? Jesus Christ!" He pouted and buried his face in Kihyun's stomach, nuzzling into the midget's tummy.

"Ok, well now that that is out of the way.... who's hungry?" Kihyun's head snapped up and he glared at Shownu.

"Excuse you sir but I did not prepare anything for dinner, so you can pre-" A hand slapped over his mouth.

"Shut it hamster. I'll make dinner, just try not to suck your new boyfriend's face off and do a better job of controlling your hormones than the Hyungwonho couple over there." She pointed at me and Hoseok. The fucker was currently peppering kisses against my neck as he wrapped his arms around my bloated stomach. I elbowed him and he grunted in pain.

"Oh please, Minhyuk might be hyperactive, but at least he knows- Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Kihyun screeched as Minhyuk started peppering kisses against his stomach. The sunshine just smiled brightly.

"Whatever, I'll make dinner, just try not to get anyone else pregnant. I'm only certified to take care of  Hyungwon. So... yeah nope no more preggo men thank you very much." With that Mia walked into the kitchen.

"Hoseok if you don't stop marking my neck, I swear I will sic Kihyun on you." Kihyun glared at me.

"Am I literally the only threat you can think of?" I nodded. Nothing, I repeat nothing is scarier than Kihyun.... well Trump and Justin Bieber becoming President of Korea is a nightmare, but hopefully I'll be dead before that day comes.

"Kihyun, you little fucker! How dare you move everything to the highest fucking shelf! Only Hyungwon and Shownu can reach those shelves!"

Kihyun snorted.

"That's what she get's for killing me in Call of Duty."

"Isn't that the point of the game?" Hoseok asked, playing with my fingers. I smiled. He loved to play with my fingers, for some odd reason.

"We were on the same team." Kihyun crossed his arms.


"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF MIA! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF." Kihyun screeched. Minhyuk put a calming hand on his lower back and coaxed him back onto the couch. 

"Um, is now a bad time to say I invited Gun over for dinner..... sooooo yay?" Jooheon gave a little fist pump and Kihyun's face took on a purple color and this time....

Not even Minhyuk could stop the angry midget from jumping up and running after a terrified honey bee. The door bell rang and #Gun entered the room.

"Hello! How is every-"

"GUN HELP ME!!!" Jooheon screamed as Kihyun grabbed his ear and yanked, simultaneously smacking his butt.


Gun looked at us with amusement. "Is this what I missed when I didn't get chosen for the team?" We looked at each other and nodded. "Well, at least some things never change."

"Shownu! Will you please help me get the pans!"

"Coming Mia!"

Yep, some things never change.

And that's a good thing....


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