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(A/N Hey my loves, here is your update! I know it has been like forever since I've updated and I am so sorry, my life has been hectic and all, but no worries I am back now! Here for you is a special update to celebrate the new year. There will be a time skip of 4 months so bear with me: Hyungwon got Pregnant in November let's say the 14th. So that means this Chapter will be based on February 14th.)

Hoseok POV

"Wonho! Get in here now please!" Shit! Did Kihyun find out about the hamster already? Damn it, should've gone with a snake. I swallowed my nerves and walked into the kitchen. Wait, he wasn't holding a knife, no pan ready to hit me.... What the?

"Yes Kihyun?" I'm still looking for sharp or hazardous objects, so far none.

"As you know, today is Valentine's day, now the group and I, along with Mia, have decided enough is enough. You need to claim Hyungwon's heart like right now. So, tonight you are going to the Park Hyatt in Seoul for tonight and check out tomorrow. Go on and pack you and Hyungwon leave in.... 15 minutes."

With that he pushed me out and continued making breakfast.  I checked my phone, it was only 9:20 in the morning. What was I gonna do all day at a hote- oh. Oh! Those Byuntae's! I blushed and pushed open the door to my room, smiling at the sight of Hyungwon curled around a giant plushie he got as a present from a fan. Sometimes I am a little jealous of that plushie, since it gets more love from Hyungwon than I do. But I'm fine, really I am.

I moved to the side of his bed and gently shook him, my smile turning fond at the sight of his now more prominent baby bump. My mind sadly took a slight dirty turn as I realized he was wearing one of my t-shirts... just one of my t-shirts. I pushed those thoughts away and kissed his forehead.

"Hyungwon, love wake up." He moaned and turned over, casually flipping me off in the process. I sighed, I'm so used to this by now. "Hyungwon, I won't ask again, get up now or no more strawberries for you mister."

At that Hyungwon shot up and glared at me, quickly tackling me to the floor and crawling on top of me, snarling.

"Take away my strawberries and I will make sure you never  have children again, no more future Hoseok's." I made and inhuman sound and nodded, shivering in slight fear.

"Ok, now that you are up, come on and get packing. The guys are kicking us out of the dorms. We have a reservation at a hotel now let's go!" I sat up and booped his nose, laughing at his offended facial expression.

"Fine, give me 30 minutes to get ready." With that he got off me and went to the closet, tossing hoodies and jeans onto his bed along with a black duffel bag. "What do I wear?"

I snuck behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my chin on his shoulder. I surveyed the clothes and grabbed a white and black hoodie of mine that I wore during our Amigo TV shooting and a pair of white washed skinny jeans with rips on the knees. I gave them to him and dragged him to the bathroom.

"Here, you get ready and I'll finish packing for both of us." He nodded and I dashed back to the room. Hmmmm, what to pack.

-Time Skip-

"Have fun you two, but not too much fun. Hyungwon's already pregnant. OUCH!" Jooheon whined after being smacked upside the head by Kihyun, who was now glaring at him like he was planning the poor guys funeral.

"Have fun guys, and Hoseok, hurt my baby in any way, and you will see Jesus." With that, they left in the van, leaving me and Hyungwon in front of the hotel. I looked to him and smiled.

"After you." We walked to the front desk and waited for the lady to give us her attention. It took 5 minutes for her to get off her phone.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" Really?

"Um, I have a room reserved. Lee Hoseok?" The lady typed on her computer and smiled wide.

"Of course, the presidential suite. Room 3009, enjoy your stay sir. You and your wife." I snorted at that and glanced back at Hyungwon. He had sunglasses and a black mask covering his face. What part of him screamed 'wife'? Shrugging we walked to the elevator and that's when Hyungwon smacked my arm.

"Ow! Wonnie! That hurt!" He took off his sunglasses and mask so I could see his glare.

"I am not your god damn wife, you should have told her."

"And what? Alerted her to the fact that you were my band mate and we just so happened to book a room for 2? On Valentine's day? Alone?" I let that sink in and he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but you better make it up to me. That hurt my manly pride." I smiled and kissed the top of his head. Says the guy who is now carrying my child. "You fucker! I didn't want to get pregnant!" Did I say that out loud? "No, I can read your mind. Of course you said it out loud!"

I snorted a laugh and pulled him in for a kiss but he placed a hand on my chest and pushed me back. I whined and he smirked placing a quick kiss on my cheek. I pouted and he laughed and pinched my cheeks.

"Awww, is my Oppa upset?" I choked on air at his words. "If my Oppa is a good boy, I'll give him a treat when we get to our room." My breathing shallowed at his words and I felt blood rush down to my friend downstairs.

I gulped and nodded, sighing in relief as the doors to the elevator opened on our floor. With his head high, Hyungwon strolled out and towards our room, glancing back over his shoulder at me, smiling his adorable smile.

As soon as the door opened to our room and we were both inside, I pinned him to the door and kissed him hard. After a minute I pulled back and smirked.

"Your Oppa is ready for his treat now, baby boy, and I am not holding back." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Oh trust me, I never wanted you to. And guess what, I've been ready for us to do this sober for a long time..." He leaned forward until his lips were beside my ear and his warm breath caused me to shiver, my blood thrumming at his next words.

"....such a long time, Daddy."

After those words, I was so done holding back. If he's sore tomorrow, it's all on him.

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