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I strolled up to the building with my usual bitch face. I can not believe that after graduating Seoul University with a degree in nursing, I got a job with some boy group with a supposed 'pregnant' member. I know that there are a few males who are able to get pregnant but still! A boy group? How cliche can we get?

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, tapping my foot impatiently. After what seemed like forever, the door swung open and the face of Pink Princess glared back at me.

"Oh, it's you. Can I help you?" He leaned on the door frame and examined his nails. I glared at him and took my papers out of my back pocket, shoving them in his face.

"I'm the nurse that Starship employed to take care of you member, Mr. Chae Hyungwon. Now if you don't mind I need to start helping my charge." I shoved past the guy and walked into the dorm. I tripped over a pair of black sneakers and cursed. 

Everyone in the living room froze and turned to me. I stood up straight and looked at everyone. "Ok, enough staring, my name is Mia and I am a nurse. Starship assigned me to take care of your member, Mr. Chae Hyungwon."

The tall boy beside the muscle pig raised his hand. It was obvious he was Hyungwon, he had a white shirt on that showed the curve of his stomach. At a glance, I'd say he was maybe 3 1/2 weeks along.

"I'm Chae Hyungwon. Thank you for agreeing to take care of me." He stood up and gave me a swift bow. I was taken aback. Usually guys don't give me repsect, especially here in South Korea, I was looked down on for being top of my class in Uni, adding to the fact that I was a female foreigner.

I bowed back and gave him a small smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Chae. Now before I settle in, is there anything I can get you? I plan to head to the store for supplies, is there anything you crave?" He glanced at the guy he had been sitting by and blushed. I raised and eyebrow and inwardly smirked. Not that kind of craving honey boy.

The guy smiled and turned to me. "Hello Mia, we met at that hotel club a couple weeks ago. I'm Wonho, and Wonnie over here is craving banana milk and anything red or green. Doesn't matter what it is, he'll eat or drink it." Hyungwon smacked Wonho and blushed a deeper red.

"Yeah, what he said." He mumbled sitting back down. Wonho threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. I smiled. They think I don't remember them, but I do. I remember everything, especially those two. It was obvious that they were in love, now they were together. Perfect, Le Hoe figured himself out.

"Well then, I'll just-" The big robot looking one cut me off.

"Kihyun-ah, go with Ms. Mia please, thank you." With that he stood up. "Jooheon, I.M please come with me, we need to go do some more work on our album, oh and Minhyuk, Manager-nim wants to talk with you about a VLive collab with Got7 and maybe do one with Seventeen's Jun and S.Coups. That's all, Wonho-ah, stay here with Hyungwonnie please." And with that it was just me, Kihyun, Wonho- oh wait nope they are leaving. Just me and Kihyun.

"So, to the store?" Kihyun grabbed his wallet and walked out, not even looking at me. I scrambled to grab my bag and follow him. For a short guy he sure walks fast. As soon as I caught up with him he grabbed my hand and started running. I was confused until I looked behind me to see a young woman running to catch up to us, almost toppling in her ridiculous high heels.

"Wait, Kihyun! What the fuck slow down!" I was breathing hard. After three more blocks he finally stopped running. We bent down to catch our breath before I started hitting him. "WHAT! THE! FUCK!" Hits accompanied my words.

"Hey! Stop! I was trying to get away from her! She is trying to get between Wonho and Hyungwon!" I froze.


"That's Park MinSeo, she went to school with Wonho when he was just starting s an Ulzzang. She asked him out but he turned her down. She's been trying to get him ever since. Please, don't tell Wonho you saw her. She is one of the only things he fears the most." I hesitated but nodded.

"Ok, but we lost her so come on, I need to get things for Hyungwon and the longer we are out here the more time I lose taking care of him." Kihyun nodded and we headed into the store. I looked back just in time to see that woman glaring at Kihyun, with enough fire to burn the entire country. I smirked as an idea hit me. "Hey imma go look for some red candy for Hyungwon, be right back." 

He nodded and continued looking at meats. I made my way to the candy aisle then made my way to the front.  I quickly found MinSeo and made my way over to her. She took one look at me and curled her lip.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, you can, actually. Stop being a bitch and let him live his own life. Girl, you don't own him, he doesn't love you, you were never an item." She scoffed and crossed her arms.

"I only want to find him because he owes me something."

"Oh please what could he possibly owe you?"

"He owes me child support. He has a 4 year old son, he knocked me up and left me to deal with him by myself. I want what was owed to me."

My jaw dropped and I shook my head. "Fuck off, Wonho would never do that. I may not have known him long, but I know he would never go for a bitch like you." With that I walked back into the store and grabbed as many red things as I could for Hyungwon.

We checked out and walked back home, but what MinSeo told me was still on my mind. I walked to Hyungwonho's room after getting directions from Kihyun. I swung open the door and froze. Locked in a very, um, passionate embrace, was Wonho and Hyungwon.

"Hoe we need to talk. Now."

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