Chapter One: How Heroes Start The Day

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         The town of Amity Park is not your definition of 'normal'. In the morning, most people worry about getting to school on time. They worry about having the right outfit to impress others or how they smell. They also worry about if they had studied enough for any possible tests or if all their homework was finished. Those people don't live in Amity Park.

         And these people are also most definitely not Danny Clockwork and his twin brother, White Clockwork. Just like their town, the twins are as far from normal as you can get. Amity Park was a quiet town, until the ghost attacks started. 

         You heard me right. I said ghosts. For those that die with an obsession or with unfinished business, they go to the Ghost Zone, the home of all ghosts. Unfinished business is a type of ghost that don't stick around for long. They have to deal with anger, sadness, or revenge and then they get to move on. Obsessions are more for the long term ghosts, the ones that stick around for a long time. Forever, mostly. The Ghost Zone is full of ghosts with obsessions, as they never fade.

         As for the twins, there was an accident about three, almost four, years back. Jack and Maddie Fenton, their ''parents'', had invented a ghost portal. A human made path to the Ghost Zone from the human world. Or, as ghosts and magical creatures call it, the Living World. But the portal didn't work, at first. So Danny, being the curious kid that he is, decided to investigate. And it did help that his best friend pressured him into it. White had been close to the entrance when he went in. Danny had tripped and pushed the 'ON' button that had been inside. Smartest idea ever, right. Heavy on the sarcasm.

          The portal turned on, both boys in the path of the supernatural energy. Danny, being inside, had his DNA infused with the ecto-plasm of the Ghost Zone. He literally half died, becoming half ghost. White was different. Supernatural, magical, sound was fused into his heart and enhanced his musical abilities. He became a siren.

          It was a weird coincidence, as they had childhood nicknames of little siren and ghosty. Who would have thought they would have been so dead on.

          Both boys, at first, had some trouble keeping their powers in control. But they were far smarter than the Fentons gave them credit for. They learned quickly, then they trained. Amity Park had their problems with ghosts and magical creatures. So they adapted hero personas to help their town. Phantom and Gold Siren.

         There are very few their secret. In their town, only four know. Their three beast friends and sister. Sam Manson, Danny's best friend and an ultra recycle vegetarian. Tucker Foley, Sam's boyfriend and a techno geek. Valerie Gray, the hero Red Huntress and also White's best friend. And Jazz Fenton, their sister.

         You may be wondering why Danny and White have a different last name. Well, we will get to that later. 

          When it came to these six, their morning routine is different from normal teens. They may have the everyday get-ready-for-the-day routine, but after that is when everything goes strange. They have to deal with any ghosts that show up on their morning patrols. 

          Right now, the four humans and single ghost boy were sitting on the roof of a building a few blocks from Casper High. They just watched as White was chasing the Box Ghost, flying in circles. The moment the ghosts shouted ''BEWARE,'' he was in trouble.

          The other five teens just stared in amusement as the ghosts was terrified of the siren boy. Ironic, as White was about as harmless as they came when he was in his human form. 

         ''Should we stop him,'' Sam wondered.

          ''Why? This is fun to watch,'' Tucker snickered.

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