Chapter 23: Bat Glares Are Inherited

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           ''So, anyone know how to wake them up,'' Ma'gann asked.

            The rest of the Young Justice team had joined the five others in the garden. They were shocked to see that the twins had fainted.

            ''I'm not sure I want to know,'' Roy says. ''The last time anyone did that, Phantom judo flipped him into a wall.''

             ''And my back still hurts,'' Jamie said, stretching his spine. ''Next time anyone on the team wakes the twins up for training, have the guy that's bullet proof do it.''

            ''Hey,'' Conner protested.

             ''Let me try something,'' Dick says. ''Siren, your bother stole your cookbook.''

              The twin's eyes burst open and they shot up.

              ''Give it back before I throw you to the werewolves,'' White shouted.

               ''I didn't do it,'' Danny yelled at the same time.

               The team couldn't help but laugh at the two. Everyone knows not to mess with White and his cooking. He has always been the chef of the three Grayson brothers. All of three them could remember traveling around with their Flying Grayson parents. Their mom had tried to get all her kids to cook with her, the food of wherever the circus had been docked. White had been the only one she had gotten through to. He feels that cooking helps keep her alive for him.

             ''Very funny, you guys,'' Danny glared. ''But if my brother had killed me, i'd be haunting all of you for the rest of eternity.''

             ''You're already half dead, anyway,'' White smirked, earning a mock glare from his twin.

              ''I believe this is yours,'' Kaldur told them, handing back the folder.

              Danny took the folder back. He looked to have a death grip on it. Like it would disappear if he let go of it.

              ''Is this real,'' he asked the eldest Grayson boy.

               Nightwing nodded, smiling at his younger brothers.

            ''Batman's been looking for those papers since we found you two four years ago and it was made bluntly clear how the Fentons 'parent' their kids,'' Dick explained. ''And he recently found them. Today is as good a day as any to give them to you.''

            ''I think you just made this the best birthday we've ever had, big brother,'' White said, hugging him.

            ''I will do anything for you, little siren,'' Dick smiled.

             ''Anyone have a pen,'' Danny asked, the two needing to sign the papers.

             The heroes all felt around their outfits, then shrugged. No one had a pen. But unless one of their secret identities was an author, they didn't expect them to.

             ''Tucker probably has one,'' Roy pointed out. ''But that mean you'd be right in the path of Hurricane Fenton when this gets out.''

              ''We'd have to face them sooner or later, anyway,'' White says. ''But not even they can ruin this.''

              The twins almost bounced up to the castle from their excitement. By this time, the party had pretty much died down and most of the ghosts and mystics had gone back to their own homes and realm. The only ones left in the castle were the class, Team Phantom, the Fentons, Lena, Krinos, Alain, Pandora, Clockwork, Cujo, and Wulf.

              ''Pen. PEN,'' Danny yelled, getting his friend's attention, along with everyone elses. ''We need a pen.''

              ''And NOW is a good time for it,'' White yelled, making them snap out of any shock they were in.

               Tucker took one out and gave it to them. Danny signed the papers. White then signed them, as well. The brothers stood up, making sure everyone was paying attention.

            ''What the heck was in that folder,'' Alain asked the million dollar question.

             ''Those were adoption papers,'' Danny cried. ''We just got ourselves a new home.''

             ''WHAT,'' the Fentons screamed.

               Lena screeched, tackling White with a hug.

             ''Ow,'' White said.

              ''I'm just so happy for you,'' Lena says.

              ''Thanks, can I get up now,'' White requested, Lena helping him up.

               ''You are now, officially, a part of the crazy Bat Family,'' Dick praised, patting his brothers on their backs.

             ''Crazy, or dangerous,'' White asks. ''We've been to your family dinners. It's like a war zone, but worse.''

             ''Like I said, welcome to the family,'' Dick smiled.

             ''You're the best,'' Danny says, chuckling at his brother's antics.

            ''Hold up,'' Dash said, standing up. ''How the hell can you two be adopted? You're Freaky Fentons.''

           ''We'd explain it to you, but your tiny brain already looks like it's about to explode,'' Danny smirked.

            ''Besides, haven't we made it clear enough that we are as far from Fentons as we possibly can be,'' White says.

         ''This is insane,'' Maddie yelled, standing up and looking furious. ''You can't be adopted, you are OUR sons.''

           ''Get this through your thick skull,'' Conner glared. ''You are a terrible person, and an even worse mother. Danny and White have had enough of you, just like all of us have. They deserve a life from you. And if you had any legal right to them, they wouldn't be able to be adopted in the first place you old hag.''

           Miss.Martian had to cover Beast Boy's ears to save him from the language. Everyone else was shocked that the hot tempered Superboy had used words, instead of his fists, to take this psycho down a peg. Usually, when Superboy's mad, they would have to get new punching bags for the gym the next day.

          ''How dare you,'' Maddie screeched.

           ''Hey, don't yell at my boyfriend,'' Danny yelled at her, trying his hardest to get used to the new word.

            ''He's not your boyfriend,'' Jack shouted. ''As long as you live under our roof, you will stay away from these... people.''

            ''Didn't you hear us,'' White snapped. ''We found a new home. A real home. Not one with a pair of delusional ghost hunter wannabes.''

             ''And as for you trying to keep us away from our boyfriends, you don't any authority to keep us away from them,'' Danny smirked. 

            ''WE ARE YOUR PARENTS,'' Maddie shrieked.

            ''No, you're not,'' White growled. ''You never have.''

              Both twins then did a glare that was all too familiar. Nightwing, Red Arrow, and Aqualad could hardly believe it. All three had been subject to glares, like that, since first meeting Batman. The others seemed to cower.

           ''The Bat Glare,'' Gar gasped, holding onto Miss.Martian. ''It burns.''

            ''I knew it,'' Roy said. ''I knew everyone in that family gets the Bat Glare.''

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