Chapter 12: Confrontation

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            The Fenton matriarch marched up to the group. If their lives were a cartoon, she would've had smoke coming out of her ears. But she was red with rage. Nightwing was suppressing going into 'Protective Brother Mode.' Or, as the team calls it, the 'Everyone Get Out Of The Way Before Nightwing Kills You Mode.' Seriously, it's terrifying. They'd rather go against Pariah Dark.

           ''Young mans, you have got a lot of explaining to do,'' she fumed.

           Ember, having excellent timing as usual, showed up and stood in front of her. The diva crossed her arms and kept her from getting any closer. To White, it didn't go unnoticed when Danny took a step closer to Superboy.

           ''This area is for authorized personnel only,'' she glared. ''You either leave of your own free will, or I call the guards.''

           ''Not authorized,'' Maddie screamed. ''I'M THEIR MOTHER.''

            ''You don't look like Pandora to me,'' Ember smirked.

            ''Who are you to talk to me like that,'' Maddie yelled.

            Danny left Superboy's side and stood next to Ember, White on the other side.

            ''This is Ember McLain,'' Danny introduced. ''The most talented ghost in the Ghost Zone. She is also Uncle Skulker's girlfriend.''

             ''Impossible,'' Jack stated. ''Ghosts can't...''

         ''Yes, they can,'' White interrupted. ''They might fight a lot, but do have a working and loving relationship.''

           ''Ghosts feel love,'' Danny says. ''Mitera and Pateras care for us more than anything, and we feel the same for them.''

           "You've been acting different lately, and we don't like it,'' Maddie said.

           "Noted, but I don't care. At all. Zero percent,'' he replied.

          ''Hey, that's my catchphrase,'' Gar told him.

           ''Not now, BB,'' White says, Beast Boy now noticing the tension.

           "This is exactly what what we're talking about son! You don't show us any respect,'' Jack exclaimed and the twins glared at him.

           "We are not your sons,'' he growled. 

           "What are you talking about? We raised you,'' Maddie exclaimed, angrily. 

          "No. You didn't. Jazz did! She was there for me when I cried. She was the one that fed us! SHE'S the one who actually LOVES us! All you guys did was make us clean your RADIOACTIVE MESSES and we had to listen to you blabber on and on about DISSECTING a ghost! SERIOUSLY!? Now you have the NERVE to call yourselves PARENTS when you NEVER even ACTED like good PEOPLE,'' Danny exploded.

          ''Did you ever even tell her that we were adopted,'' White shouted, shocking the Fentons. ''Didn't know that we found out, huh. Not that we would ever care is you did know. You may have taken the two of us, but what type of heartless person would separate two five year old's from their older brother.''

          "Don't use that tone with me young mans! As soon as we get back you're both GROUNDED,'' she yelled.

            ''Like that will be happening anytime soon,'' Dick said. ''Or at all.''

            ''And who are you to tell us,'' Maddie glared.

            ''Seriously,'' Conner says. ''Look at us. Do you not see the symbols on our chests?''

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