Chapter 17: DADDY?

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''And... there's the crazy,'' White complained, shaking his head.

''Do you expect anything less,'' Sam raised an eyebrow.

''Not from humans,'' White says.

''Hey, why group us with those idiots,'' Tucker complained.

''There are no other words I can use,'' White said.

''I missed you, Dani,'' Danny says, hugging his clone-daughter.

''You were just here yesterday,'' Dani said, making him laugh.

              "Theory proven," White says. "I'm the most normal one in the family. And that says something, coming from me."

                He got them all laughing. But, once again, the Fenton's were fuming. Sure, they knew about ghosts being friends of their "sons." But now, this ghosts girl was saying that Danny was her father. But Danny had just turned sixteen and this girl looked to be twelve. To them, it was impossible. And to top it off, this tittle girl looked just like Phantom.

                 "Sorry that I missed the concert, Uncle Gold," Dani apologized to White.

                 "Then, I guess, i'll just have to give you a concert for your own enjoyment," White smirked. "Anything for my favorite little niece."

                   "I'm your only niece," Dani giggled.

                    "By how the relationships of my brother's have been going, you might be my only niece ever," White chuckled.

                     "Hey," Danny and Nightwing both protested.

                     "Well, what do you expect," White says.

                      "Come on, you two," Lena says, dragging the two secret heroes with her. "You still have more presents to open."

                   "Let's just hope that none of the other presents jump out at you," Valerie joked.

                   "Just as long as Winter isn't hidden in any of them," Krinos laughed. "She isn't, is she?"

                   "Dear gods, I hope not," Danny says. "I've already been tackled once today. And I don't really have the desire for that to happen for a second time."

                    "She'd more likely tackle me, as she is mine," White pointed out.

                    "Who is this Winter you're talking about," Mr.Lancer asked.

                     "My dragon," White answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "More loyal than any dog. Except Cujo, of course."

                      Lena the continued to drag the two away to the pile of presents. The ghosts and mystics started giving the twins the presents they brought for them. The ghosts mostly went to Danny while the mystics went over to White.

                     Danny got a a new guitar from Dani and Ember. Pandora gave him a new ghost sword made from a special silver that can harm even intangible ghosts. Dora gave him a royal cape, mostly meant for Phantom. Johnny and Kitty gave him the keys to his own motorcycle and a charm that makes him immune to Kitty's kiss. Wulf and Cujo gave him a whistle that could call them at any time. Desiree gave him a single wish that would have no consequences.

                   White got a diamond bracelet, that can turn into a rose shield, from Lena. Pandora gave him an enchanted bow that shoots arrows of light. Krinos gave him a new jean vest, but this one had a sun symbol on it and could hide his wings even in his siren form. From the pegasus leader, Skylar, he got a silver lyre. Alain gave him a sapphire wolf medallion you hang around your head with the wolf on your forehead.

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