Chapter 20: The Incident

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            The heroes, once again, covered their ears. Seeing the look on the Fenton matriarch, they knew what was about to come out. Danny stopped Superboy from covering his ears. A nod said that he trusted his new boyfriend to know his identity, as well as his brother's.

            "WHITE HOPE FENTON," Maddie screamed like a banshee, which is an insult to banshees BTW.

            White went closer to Aqualad, holding his hand tighter. The Atlantean was not going to let this woman hurt him any more than she already has. Nobody's more protective than an Atlantean in love.

            "What," White snapped at her.

            "How dare you," Maddie screamed. "How dare you disrespect this family by being with... this... this... BOY."

     "I am well aware of the fact that Aqualad's a boy," White says, trying to be calm. "And last time I checked, myself and my twin are not a part of your family. We're adopted, and don't consider delusional conspiracy nuts, like you, family."

           The ex-parents looked ready to burst. They were as red as Danny's eyes when he's angry.

          "Just get this through your thick skulls," Danny yelled. "We don't think of you as parents, we have never thought of you as parents, and lord help anyone that even thinks you're even decent people."

           "You need to show us respect," Jack scolded. "We raised you."

          "We've been over this every way we can," Danny shouted. "You never did anything remotely parent-like. Jack empties the fridge of any food not infected by ectoplasm. Jazz had to grow up overnight just to make sure we had a somewhat happy childhood. You two forgot about every child in that house every single Christmas, birthday, Easter, and every other holiday."

          "We never felt any love from you," White glared. "You stayed in your pathetic excuse for a lab 24/7 and basically ignored all three of us. And now, we've had it with your constant rantings about what you think about ghosts and mystics. Even Valerie no longer thinks they ruined her life."

         Most of the class looked at the once bitter girl. It wasn't exactly a secret that she had blamed her father losing his job on Cujo and Phantom.

          "He is right," she shrugged.

          "The only time you really paid us any attention was when we released Phantom and Gold Siren from the lab," White snapped. "And that was only to yell at us."

           That definitely got everyone's attention. The entire town knew of the Fenton's obsession with capturing the twin heroes. And their desire to "rip them apart molecule by molecule." But they didn't know that they had actually achieved it.

           "We yelled at you because you shouldn't have done that," Maddie scolded. "You let out the monsters we've been trying so hard to capture."

           "We let them go because you had no right to do that to them," Danny yelled. "What you did was heartless, horrible, unthinkable. And you did it in the most cowardly way. You waited until after they were done fighting Plasmius to strike. You got them when they were weakened, it's pathetic. But you seriously had the nerve to torture them."
            "You strapped Phantom to a lab table with ecto-cuffs and experimented in him," White shouted. "You put Siren in a magic-proof cage and forced him to watch. The entire time, they were screaming at you. But every time they tried anything, to convince you to stop, all you did was yell at them to stop pretending. You kept saying they couldn't feel pain or have any human emotions. They could. Phantom was in so much pain as you cut him open. Siren was pleading you to stop. You never listened."

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