Chapter 27: Why Nightwing Is The Best At Hacking

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            The Fentons were thrown into a cell and Danny slammed the door shut. The dungeon was barely used. Most of the cells only had skeletons in them from the reign of Pariah Dark. 

           ''I can't believe they actually used the dungeons,'' Lena gasped, after the twins stormed off with their boyfriends to prepare the portal.

           ''I can't believe they didn't use them sooner,'' Valerie snickered. ''They could deal with Vlad a whole lot easier if they just threw him down there.''

            ''I don't think they've been used since Pariah Dark's first reign of terror,'' Ember says. ''He didn't have the chance to use them again before dipstick kicked his butt.''

            ''You doing any better with the ecto-cube, Wing,'' Gar asked their friend.

            Nightwing was busy using his holographic computer gloves to hack into the cube's programming and release Dani. He barely even acknowledged that Beast Boy had asked him a question. 

           ''Slowly, as magic and technology don't mix,'' he responded, not looking up. ''The ghost signature and black pearl make it difficult to get into the programming. They keep interfering with the signal.''

          ''You'll get it,'' Roy assured his friend. ''If it helps you work faster, I think Phantom just might actually kill them if she isn't out soon.''

            ''You are not helping, right now,'' Dick glared, talking through clenched teeth.

            In the next room was the twin's own ghost portal. They could connect it to any other portal in the world, or use it to make it seem like a random portal opening up in the ''Living World.'' They used it mainly for quickly getting to and from the castle.

           ''If they ever show their faces in the Ghost Zone again, I will not be responsible for what I do to them next,'' Danny ranted.

            He hit the side of the portal in frustration. Superboy took his hand, stopping him from hurting his hand again.

          ''Danny, calm down,'' White comforted. ''Dani will be okay. There is no one better at hacking than big brother. He'll have her out before you know it.''

           ''That's not the point,'' Danny said. ''They've done so much to ghosts and mystics, yet they can't even pay for it. The Metahuman Protection Act doesn't help us because we're not human, and you have to be human to be a metahuman.'' 

            ''We'll make sure that they can't hurt any of you again,'' Conner assured. ''If you want help, just let me loose in their lab. Give me one minute and i'll make that wannabe lab look like a bomb had gone off in it.'' 

           ''A clone with anger issues and violent tendencies,'' White shook his head. ''You really know how to pick 'em, bro.''

           ''I'll take that as a compliment,'' Danny smirked, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. 

           ''And I prefer my man, thank you,'' White says, Aqualad putting his arm around his waist.

                                                                         *****Time Skip*****

             Aqualad and Superboy left their boyfriends programming the portal and connecting it to the one at Fenton Works. They were gonna have certain words with two certain people. But they would need some backup. They went over to the rest of their team.

            ''My apologies for interrupting your hacking, Nightwing,'' Kaldur says. ''But me and Conner want the team for a 'little talk' with our 'friends' in the dungeons.''

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