Chapter 7: Frozen Friend

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          Skulker quickly flew through the Ghost Zone. In truth, he had come to really like the twin heroes. Danny's sarcasm and butting wit were always fun, even though he would never say that out loud. White is a fierce and powerful siren, but a gentle soul that care for others. Yet they were also living proof that bad things happen to good people. 

         After the incident, their ghost family made it their job to make sure they smile. Skulker even got them to start calling him Uncle Skulker. Not to mention how his girlfriend, Ember, was like a sister to them. They all cared for the twins. Much more than the humans that believed them to be family.

         Skulker flew right to the Far Frozen. He landed in one of the caves he knew Frostbite would be in.

         ''Any Yeti's in the house,'' he yelled.

         Frostbite walked into the room. His cheerful face instantly changed to one of concern and worry.

         ''What has happened to the Great Ones,'' he asked, picking up the twins.

         ''They were hit with a bunch of blood blossoms,'' Skulker informed. ''I forced the humans to eat them, but they were weakened a lot.''

        ''I'll take them to the infirmary and give them the antidote, but only a small amount because the blossoms didn't get in their systems,'' Frostbite says.

          The two ghosts went to the infirmary to help their friends. They weakly sat on one of the medical beds. Frostbite rummaged around in the cabinets, looking for the antidote. Good thing that yeti's were a very organized race. 

          ''Th...Thank you, Uncle Skulker,'' White smiled.

          ''Any time, Whelp's twin,'' Skulker said.

           He never really could fine a proper nickname for White, as Nightwing was the only one allowed to call him little siren, so he stuck with 'Whelp's twin.' Frostbite then came up with two small vials of the glowing blue liquid. He gave it to them to drink. They both took quick swigs of the antidote. The rest of the remaining effects of the blood blossoms died down and they felt better.

          ''I'll say it again, I hate blood blossoms,'' Danny said. ''Thank you, Uncle Skulker, Frostbite.''

         ''Need help again, all you have to do is call,'' Skulker told them. 

         ''Anything for you two, Great Ones,'' Frostbite smiled.

          ''Now, I will need to go and explain to Ember the reason why you two will be hitting the wire for the concert,'' the ghost hunter says. ''Hopefully that will keep her from killing you. But, no promises.''

           He opened up his jet pack and flew out of the cave, leaving the twins alone with Frostbite. He always was one of the kindest ghosts in the zone. He was like a grandfather, best friend, and father all in one.

          ''Great Ones, you have worked hard to keep blood blossoms away from the Ghost Zone and the isles,'' Frostbite says. ''So how were you two exposed to them?''

         ''We were afraid that you would ask that,'' White said.

                                                                 *****Back At The SSB*****

          The Fentons were having a little bit of a freak out. The other three members of Team Phantom were still pretty angry at the ''parents'' and Dash. If Sam had her way, she would have trapped them in thorn bushes and leave them there for the ghost wolves. Valerie even looked about ready to whip out Red Huntress just to shoot them.

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