Chapter 22: The Bat Family Gets Bigger

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(Please tell me that someone else besides me finds this to be one of the most adorable pictures in the world.)

           ''Where could those two possibly have gone,'' Conner asked Aqualad.

           ''Considering Danny's a ghost and can literally walk through walls, who knows,'' Kaldur says. ''We should just be happy that they left together, or something would have been blown up by now.''

            ''I can not believe the nerves of those two maniacs,'' Conner sneered. ''Not only do they neglect their kids and hunt their hero alter egos, but they just have to be homophobic to top it off. If Phantom would let me, i'd rip their heads off without a second thought and not even feel bad about it afterwords.''

           ''Maybe he just doesn't want them to come back as ghosts and annoy them for all eternity,'' Kaldur snickered.

             ''Did you just make a joke,'' Conner raised his eyebrow. ''Stern and serious Aqualad just made a joke.''

             ''I've been spending a lot much time with White,'' he smiled. ''Also, you can call him Danny now, as you know their identities.''

             ''Old habits die hard,'' Conner shrugged. ''But where could they be?''

              The two suddenly heard someone shouting. And from what they could hear, that person was yelling in Greek.

             ''This is just a guess, but i'd say over there,'' Kaldur says.

              As they got closer to the yelling, they ended up in the Phantom's Keep gardens. Tall rose bushes mixed with orchids, lilies, baby blue eyes, amaryllis, and snowdrops. There were also a good number of statues of magical creatures. They found the twins by the center, at a beautiful white and silver fountain spewing crystal blue waters. And boy was White mad.

            ''Pós tolmoún. Den échoun kanéna dikaíoma na miláne gia tous anthrópous mas. Kai prosválloun ti Nyx ótan ítan ekeínoi pou tin skótosan. Tha fonáxo méchri na ekragoún ta kefália tous,'' he ranted. Translation- How dare they. They have no right to talk about our people like that. And insulting Nyx when they were the ones that killed her. I will scream until their heads explode.

             ''I don't think I've heard him rant this much since the Box Ghost stole Pandora's Box,'' Conner sweat-dropped.

             ''That... was a scary day,'' Kaldur admitted.

             Everyone knew never to anger White when it came to Greek mythology. He is a siren, a creature born of Greek origin, so he takes those types of myths to heart. And don't even get me started on if someone were to mention the insulting myth that says sirens use their hypnotic song to lure sailors to their deaths, by being eaten by them. Bringing that one up would have him ranting for hours about 'incompetent humans that can't get myths right to save their lives.'

            The two teen heroes went over to their boyfriends. Superboy sat next to Danny.

           ''How long,'' he asked.

             Danny pretended to look at a watch on his wrist, even though there wasn't one.

            ''About ten minutes and still going strong,'' Danny answered. ''Though, first three minutes had a lot of cursing and swearing in Greek. It was enough to make even Pariah Dark blush.''

             ''Yicks,'' Conner swore.

             ''What can you do,'' Danny shrugged. ''The boy's letting out sixteen years worth of rage in a,'' checks non-existent watch again, ''eleven minute rant.''

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