Chapter 9: At The Castle

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          Team Phantom decided to give their heroes friends a little update on the field trip of complete and utter disaster.


         While there was the debacle at the Far Frozen, the Team was relaxing at Phantom's Keep. The castle had definitely changed a lot since  Pariah Dark's rule.

         The walls were now white and silver, with black tapestries on the walls. The Danny Phantom symbol was over the door. And to also show a little bit of Gold Siren, the windows and doors were lined with gold bricks. The actual castle design was more like something out of a fairy tale than a medieval themed horror movie.

          The Team were all in their hero suits just in case they needed to go into action against any rouge ghosts or mystics. Not to mention if the Fentons cause another incident with Danny and White.

          Nightwing was with Red Arrow and Aqualad in the library. Miss.Martian was in the kitchen, practicing some of the new baking recipes that the twins gave her. Superboy was in the gym and seriously depleting their supply of punching bags. Beast Boy was messing around with Cujo and some of the other guard dogs for the castle. Lastly, Blue Beetle was in the treasury room looking over the magical gems, which he's always done since finding out the scarab was magic and not alien.

           It was actually calm.

          ''Are you alright, my friend,'' Kaldur asked the oldest Grayson, seeing the look on his face.

       ''I'm worried about them,'' Dick admitted. ''They may be rulers here, and in the isles, but they can't use their authority with their class there.''

       ''White and Danny are strong kids,'' Roy says. ''I'd be more worried about what they would do to them if they got them mad. I've seen what happens when Danny gets mad, and it still terrifies me.''

         Nightwing smiled at the two of them. Kid Flash didn't know anything about them being real brothers that were separated. Aqualad and Red Arrow cared about the twins almost as much as he did. It was only those two and Batman that knew about their real relationship.

         ''It doesn't help them if you're a nervous wreak,'' Kaldur said.

         ''After what the Fentons did to them, I have every right to be worried,'' Dick says. ''Batman can't find those papers fast enough. I... I just want them as far away from those psychos as soon as possible.''

         ''Everything will be fine, Dick,'' Roy said. ''Not only do they look out for each other, but there is still Sam, Tucker, Valerie, Clockwork, and Pandora. Just calm down.''

          Nightwing finally realized that maybe he should. They all went back to their books. But then, something struck them.

         ''Wait a second,'' he said to them. ''It's peaceful and is quiet. Five... four... three... two... one.''

         ''Give that back, Gar.,'' one boy shouted.

         ''It's my turn with the game console, Jaime,'' another boy shouted back. ''I left mine at the cave.''

          ''Would both of you shut up,'' a third male voice yelled.

          ''Sorry, Conner,'' both boys yelled. ''But ti was his fault.''

          ''And there's the crazy,'' Dick says, putting down his book.

          They walked out of the library, only to have to duck as a chair came flying at him.

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