Chapter 19: Shot By Cupid's Arrow

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*****With Danny and Superboy*****

             The two heroes walked through the castle courtyard. Danny had no clue what Superboy was up to. And in all honesty, he was always wary of the ones on the team that didn't know his identity. He felt they wouldn't trust him fully if they didn't know him.

            While there always was that slight spark between the ghost boy and the clone, but Danny's been cautious of everyone since the DAN problem. If seeing an evil version of yourself doesn't make you weary of potential troubles, nothing will.

            ''Never thought you'd ever want to take a walk, Conner,'' Danny smirked. ''You always struck me as a 'training to relax' kind of guy.''

             ''Even a half kryptonian has to take it slow every once in a while,'' Conner chuckled. ''You could learn a thing, or two, from that.''

            ''Like it's my fault most ghosts attack in the middle of the night,'' Danny pouted, crossing his arms. ''Mostly the Box Ghost. That guy really needs a hobby.''

             ''At this point, attacking you just might be his hobby,'' Conner joked.

            ''Lucky me,'' Danny groaned, making Superboy snicker.

              ''So, other than this disaster called a field trip, anything else going on in the Ghost Zone,'' Conner asked, basically stalling his feelings at this point.

             ''For once, it's been quiet,'' Danny says. ''Only a few minor issues. Pandora's army is still searching for Davy Jones and Blackbeard with their ghost ship. Youngblood's been a big help with that. Frostbite's coming up with a way to trap Undergrowth in a cryo-chamber.''

           ''Well, everyone knows plants hate ice,'' Conner smirked. ''Frost, yes. Ice, no.''

           ''With the amount of time I spend with Sam, Lena, and Krinos, it be a crime not to know anything about nature,'' Danny chuckled. ''We all know how protective they are of plants, especially Krinos.''

           ''No kidding,'' Conner agreed. ''Remember when he once gave chase to a group of business men that tried to bulldoze his forest?''

          ''I do,'' Danny said. ''He filled all their equipment with tree sap, then made them all look like modern versions of Tarzan before chasing them away. I refused to make him made after that.''

            ''Would you have ever made him angry before that,'' Conner raised an eyebrow.

            ''That's about as likely as me making you angry,'' Danny smirked.

             Superboy stared at the half-ghost. There was just so much about him that he liked. His sarcasm and his wit. The smile that just makes you feel warm and happy inside no matter what you felt before. Not to mention he was as kick butt as you can get.

            ''For the love of Rao, Kent, it's now or never,'' he yelled at himself in his head.

              Superboy pulled Danny close and kissed him. At first, Danny was in shock. But after a few seconds, he kissed back. And by the gods was he ever happy that he did. They just melted into it. Complete and utter bliss.

            They were so deep in the kiss that they didn't hear the click of camera, even with their super hearing. On the balcony above was Lena, Tucker, Sam, and Nightwing. Tucker had taken the picture on his PDA.

            ''If he hurts him, not even his bullet proof skin will save him from me,'' Dick growled.

             ''Yeah, yeah, yeah,'' Lena waved off. ''Send me that, Tuck.''

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