Chapter 13: Memories

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White was at the far edge of Ember's island, away from the stage and everyone else. He held his sore cheek, that still stung from the slap. Tears were still streaming down his face.

''It isn't even that she's stubborn,'' he says while crying, knowing that Aqualad, Nightwing, and Krinos were behind him.

''White...'' Krinos tried.

''They just hate our kinds,'' White continued. ''It's not like every magical creature in the world has attacked anyone. Not every ghost in the Ghost Zone has even seen the living world. What they are, are bias and selfish. Believing that only what think is true fact. They don't do actual work. They don't try to understand us. All they do is rave against the ghosts and mystics because they can't understand us. I've always known that whatever mortals don't understand, they fear.''

''It isn't your fault that Maddie and Jack treat you guys like that,'' Dick says, comforting his youngest brother. ''People like them, like Artemis and Wally, can't change.''

''I think it's more like 'won't' instead of 'can't,'' Roy said, but then got a 'shut up' glare from the former boy wonder.

''I just don't understand,'' White cries. ''How is it that humans are just so heartless and cruel. Us ghosts and magical creatures never did anything. I never did anything. Why does this keep happening? No offense to you two, Tucker, Valerie, and Jazz, but I understand why our kinds stay away from humans and mortals. They are cruel and soulless beings.''

Nightwing kept his arms around his brother, hugging him.

''What Danny was saying about your sister raising you two, was it true,'' Kaldur asked. ''You never told us it was that bad.''

''It was worse than that,'' White admitted. ''Jazz was seven when we were adopted. The Fentons believed mama și tata's accident (mom and dad's) caused us to forget about us being Graysons. They thought we were now fully theirs. But they still never cared. I still feel so bad for Jazz, who had to grow up basically overnight to take care of us. She filled a very special roll in our lives. She taught us how to cook for when she wasn't home, even though Jack always cleaned out the fridge before we could even touch it. She helped us with out homework even when she had a load of her own. As tough as it was for us, it was even more-so for her. Jazz could never take your place, Dick, but she was the only real family we had in that house.''

''He's right,'' Danny said.

The ghost boy walked up to them, having calmed down thanks to his 'super' crush. Very much pun intended.

''How long have you been standing there,'' Roy asked, raising an eyebrow.

''Considering I can turn invisible, you will never know,'' Danny snickered. ''But White is right. Jazz did everything she could to give us good lives. While the Fentons slaved away in their lab, making inventions that will never work, she was our mother and sister all in one. She saw our smarts, our talent, and even our humanity after she found out our secret. The so-called parents could never do what she did.''

''Since she's studying to be a psychologist, you guys should hire her as a therapist for the league and team so Black Canary doesn't have to,'' White suggested. ''You guys have already met her, anyway.''

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