Chapter 18: Angry, Singing, Siren

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             The entire room gasped when Maddie took White's pendant. Danny and Nightwing were just about ready to rip her head off and go bowling with it.

             ''Give him back his pendant,'' Danny yelled at her. ''NOW.''

              ''I will not,'' Maddie stated, eyes full of hate. ''This thing is controlling my baby boy, making him think that these things are not evil.''

              ''I am not your baby boy,'' White screamed. ''And i'm under no kind of control. I think they are not evil, because they ARE NOT EVIL. Get it through your extra thick heads.''

            ''You come here and make trouble for our kinds just because you believe that we're evil,'' Lena yelled at them. ''Ever hear of keeping bias opinions to yourself.''

             ''They are not opinions,'' Jack sneered. ''We have done the research, and it proves that you are evil.''

              ''No, it only proves that specific ghost or mystic is evil,'' Krinos said. ''In our case, your ends don't justify the means. We openly admit that some of our kinds are not exactly 'good.' But that does not mean that all of us are evil.''

             ''Your so-called myths and legends about us are just that, myths,'' Alain said. ''The writers all had the same thoughts as you, that those that are different are evil. But that is the same for almost every human in the world. What you don't understand, you fear and hate.''

             ''Just because you believe we're evil, doesn't mean it's true,'' Lena said. ''This is our whole lives. We've survived plagues, wars, tyrants, even our own kinds. We've seen empires crumble, kings and queens fall, lands be discovered and abandoned.''

            ''We have hidden ourselves away because of people like you,'' Frostbite pipped up. ''You make assumptions about us and instantly think they're real. We are nothing like what you mortals think of us. We have families, we love, we care. We feel happiness, sadness, love, and grief. But no one ever bothers to look past the powers or looks.''

           ''You hide so you can plan to destroy us,'' Maddie screamed. ''You can't feel love, or care for anyone. You're lying, like you always do.''

           ''We hide because we have no other choice,'' Lena yelled. ''Van Helsing massacred vampires just because they needed blood to survive, even if they never harmed a human. The Salem Witch Trials caused mass chaos, causing every witch in the world to fear for their lives and bloodlines. People are fine until the word 'magic' is spoken and all Hades breaks loose. Siren and Phantom suffer years of torture because of who they are.''

            ''Some of us don't even choose to be like this, you know,'' Krinos shouted at them. ''Do you think Phantom asked to die, or that Siren wanted his heart infused with magical sound? Do you think that any vampire wanted to be bitten and become vampires? Our friends, Juliet and Mason, could never have chosen to have a mother with a story like hers. But just as flowers don't get to chose where they bloom, children don't get to choose their fates or parents. You know nothing about us or the tears that we have shed.''

            The two ghost hunters were taken back by all this. Though, their incredibly delusional delusion had them still thinking they were right. They looked at the Young Justice team, who were just as angry as the mystics and ghosts.

            ''You're supposed to be heroes,'' Jack shouted at them. ''Aren't you supposed to fight evil creatures, like them. How can you let them tell such lies.''

           ''Excuse me,'' Ma'gann gasped, offended by them. ''We have friends that use magic, so your absurd accusations against them is absolutely appalling.'' (Try saying that five times fast.) ''I had to face the same type of treatment, being an alien, but you are just so much worse.''

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