Chapter 5: That's Against The Rules

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        Danny was peacefully listening to his music. Next to him, White was writing in his journal. Valerie was one her phone, not caring because of how often the group had been to the Ghost Zone. Sam and Tucker were holding each others hands.

        The two had only been together since the end of freshman year, so it has been close to a year for them. They did spend a lot of time together while covering for Danny, White, and Valerie when they were fighting ghosts. You get to know people that way. You would never think they'd make a cute couple, but they made it work. But don't get me wrong, they still get into arguments about meat and vegetables. They wouldn't be Sam and Tucker if they didn't.

        The field trip had no trouble, so far. But like a good scoop of ice cream, their peace had to come to an end. 

         The class had been silent for a few minutes, taking in their new and strange surroundings. It can be quite gaughty for first timers. They stared at the green swirls in the black sky, the floating islands, and the purple doors. 

          Even as Team Phantom wasn't paying attention, they all still heard this.

         ''Mrs.Fenton, what are the floating doors for,'' they heard Star ask.

         ''Well, this is not going to end well,'' the five thought, simultaneously.

          They did their best to ignore them.

          ''We don't really know,'' Maddie admitted. ''This is actually our first time in the Ghost Zone.''

          Every member face-palmed. That was the absolute stupidest thing to ever say in a situation like this.

          ''WHAT,'' the class freaked.

            They all started to panic. Even Mr.Lancer was a little worried. Ghost ''experts'' that have never been to the home of all ghosts. How idiotic. As the class continued to freak, he stood up to get their attention.

          ''All of you, calm down,'' he ordered. ''We are completely safe in this vehicle.''

         The class then settled down, going back down into their seats. But then, Dash noticed the five in back had not even reacted to that news. In fact, they all looked quite bored. So he decided to annoy them. Gods do I hate bullies.

         ''Hey, Fenturd,'' Dash called in his jerk of a teen voice.

          Danny had hardly been paying attention, thank the gods for headphones. But he did hear Dash call him with one of his unoriginal and idiotic nicknames. He took off the headphones and looked at the jock.

         ''What is it now, Dash,'' Danny asked, annoyed.

         ''If you're so smart, what are the floating doors for,'' Dashed asked him.

          Danny knew what he was doing. If Danny said that he didn't know, then Dash would have successfully embarrassed him, again. So he decided to show him up.

         ''They lead to ghost lairs,'' he casually answered. ''Though some can open up in the deep recesses of space.''

          ''Then there are the ones that can lead to various points in time where some of the ghosts come from,'' White took over. ''Places like ancient Greece, 1600's Salem, even Atlantis before it sunk into the sea.''

         The class was left in shock. They never expected an answer out of one twin, let alone both of them.

           ''How could you possibly know that,'' Maddie asked, crossing her arms. ''You've never been here before.''

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