Chapter 28: This Is Me

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              ''DADDY,'' Dani cried, flying into the portal room.

              ''DANI,'' her father cried, the ghost girl flying into his arms.

               ''Awwwww,'' White sighed, enjoying the very cute sight in front of him. ''I've seen baby unicorns that aren't as cute as this.''

               ''Uncle White, you're silly,'' Dani giggled.

               ''There is a time and place to be silly, and I thought it was a good time,'' White snickered. ''And now, we can finally rid ourselves of those stupid humans.''

               ''I'll have Frightknight on standby, just in case,'' Danny says. "Where is he, anyway? He usually sticks to us like glue."

"He is a knight, in both life and death," White chuckled. "It is a knight's duty to guard the king, or prince in your case."

           ''Dani told me something along the lines of him wanting to get us something special,'' Danny said.

           ''It must be special if he left his post,'' White says.

           ''Your majesties,'' a ghost knight greeted, phasing into the room.

         He definitely had a real knight's look to him. He had tough dark purple armor with gauntlets and boots, with a helmet that hid his face. His helmet's mane was dark green fire. He also had a long black and purple cloak. A glowing green sword was in his hand. In his other hand was two boxes wrapped with silver bows.

            ''How ya doin', FK,'' Danny greeted.

           ''I am doing fine, my lords,'' Fright Knight says.

          ''We keep telling you to use our names, Fright,'' White sweetly said. ''Just because we're princes doesn't mean we think we're above anyone.''

          ''It is only out of respect, my kings,'' Fright Knight told them. ''Happy birthday.''

            He gave them their presents.

          ''Aw, that's sweet,'' Dani said.
         ''But not now. We all have headaches," Danny says.

           ''I will leave you be, then,'' Fright Knight bowed.

            He phased through the wall. The twins put the boxes down.

           "I wonder what's in them," White thought out loud. "As the spirit of Halloween, his idea of gifts might be different from what others think."

             "As long as it's not a lost soul or vampire teeth right from the mouth," Dani giggled.

             "We really need to take her out more," Danny suggested. "She spends way too time in the Ghost Zone. Next time we come, we're taking her to the Mystic Isles."

             "That'll be fun," White smiled at the ghost girl. "What do you say, Dani? Want to go and see Auntie Melinda and Uncle Orion?"

             "Yay," Dani cheered.

             "Gods, do I love her energy," White says.

              "Now, it's getting late," Danny told his daughter. "Time for you to go to bed, sweetheart."

             "But Daddy..." Dani tried.

             "No 'But's,' young lady," Danny wagged his finger at her. "Off to bed. I'll be up, later, to kiss you goodnight."

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