Chapter 8: Late

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           The Fenton adults were in shock as they saw Danny and White nearly fly over to the two ghosts. The two gave them the biggest hugs. The giant woman, apparently, gave the biggest and tightest hugs.

          ''Mitéra, too... tight,'' Danny choked out.

           She put them down. The two still had on the brightest smiles ever. They then hugged the clock man. He was definitely more gentle than the woman with four arms.

          ''How are you, my little warriors,'' Pandora asked. ''Frostbite told us that it was blood blossoms.''

         ''It was just contact, Mitera,'' White says. ''Frostbite gave us a little bit of the antidote. We're fine, now.''

         ''Happy to hear that, White,''  Clockwork smiled. ''I'm always glad to see you alive and well.''

         ''We can always tell when you're happy,'' Danny snickered. ''Thanks anyway, Patéras.''

          The adults were both angry and confused. Their ''sons'' acted like they cared about these two ghosts. Like they loved them.

           ''Daniel, White,'' Mr.Lancer says, getting their attention. ''You two can speak Greek?''

          ''What,'' the Fentons flipped.

           ''We were taught by our Mitera,'' Danny told him.

           ''So, you know Latin and Greek,'' their teacher asked.

           ''And Romanian,'' Sam added.

           ''And Esperanto,'' Tucker added.

           ''And still learning Arabic,'' Valerie finished the list.

          ''But, at least, I've mastered hieroglyphics,'' White smirked.

            ''Five languages,'' Mr.Lancer gasped. ''You both speak five languages.''

           ''I prefer Greek, Latin, and Arabic,'' White said. ''Danny's the one that likes Romanian and Esperanto. Helps us communicate with more ghosts.''

           They then went back to talking with Pandora and Clockwork. Jack and Maddie were frustrated that their ''baby boys'' had this much knowledge in their heads. 

          ''If they really were smart, then they would be smart enough to know that ghosts and mystics are evil,'' Maddie thought.

          ''Do you know what they're saying,'' she asked Mr.Lancer.

           ''Mitera and Pateras translate to mother and father,'' he told them. ''How did you two not know they could speak so many languages?''

            Maddie ignore the question, as she was filled with rage. How could her ''sons'' call these creatures ''mother'' and ''father'' when they were their parents. She pulled out her ecto-gun, aiming at Pandora.

          ''GET AWAY FROM  MY SONS, GHOST SCUM,'' she screamed.

           She fired. Danny and White turned just in time. White's lyre lit up, and a gold shield formed in front of the four of them. It blocked the blast.

         Danny knew that it was going to happen. White's powers are more in tune with his emotions than his own, as he was the siren of pure heart. Whenever he got scared or worried, a shield would appear. That's what his lyre was for, as it was an amulet to control his powers. When there no danger was present, the shield wouldn't activate as a human.

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