Chapter 16: Party Like A Monster

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             ''Ow,'' White said.

           Team Phantom and Young Justice burst into laughter as he groaned from the playful tackle he just received from his mystic friend.

             The boy was icy and lunar in style. A tall, slim teenager with messy black and blue hair and blue eyes. He sports a pair of baggy dark blue pants. He also wore a black leather jacket, covered in moon designs, with blue boots. A blue shirt under the jacket with a pair of bright white finger-less gloves. He also wears a pale blue scarf around his neck. Around his neck was a snowflake pendent.

            ''Alain, you really have to stop doing that,'' White says, finally able to get up. ''I don't know know how much more my ribs can take.''

            ''What can I say, wolves are very energetic creatures,'' Alain smirked. 

            ''How does Caitlin deal with you,'' Valerie shook her head.

             ''After 4000 years, you have to learn to deal with a person,'' Alain says.

            ''If only the gods learned to,'' Danny said. ''Athena and Poseidon are still at each others throats. Artemis and Apollo still argue about who's older. Hephaestus and  Aphrodite hate each other. You know, the usual Olympian drama.''

             ''Miteria always complains about them,'' White snickered.

             ''She has every right to,'' Sam said.

              ''I do feel bad for Hephaestus, though,''  Tucker says. ''After all, he is the god of technology and blacksmiths.''

              Tucker than kissed his PDA. You'd think that he would have stopped being so ''tech on the brain'' when he and Sam got together, but that thought was soon smashed to pieces. The only real progress they made was that he stopped giving his gadgets names. Good thing to, as it was seriously creepy. And from a half-ghost kid, that says something.

             ''Phantom of the Opera, what is going on here,'' Mr.Lancer suddenly asked.

              They had all forgotten that the class was there. Oops.

             ''Humans,'' Alain gasped. ''What strange creatures. What our vampire friends would give to be here, right now. Hello, my name's Alain. I'm a friend of theirs.''

              ''You don't look like a ghost,'' Mikey noticed.

             That usually was the first thought that they all had. This was the Ghost Zone after all. So mystic was not the first thought that came to their minds when they met someone new. 

               ''Maybe because i'm not,'' Alain smirked, his eyes and teeth going like a wolf's. ''I'm, what you humans would call, a werewolf.''

                They all took a few steps back, out of fear. The Fentons tried to reach for their weapons, only to realize that Danny had destroyed the ones they had been carrying and the rest were on the bus. They only had the ecto-cube.

               ''Oh, relax,'' Alain told them, rolling his eyes. ''I'm not gonna eat you. I leave that to the vampires.''

               The teams laughed at the scared faces of the humans.

               ''That never gets old,'' Roy chuckled.

               ''Wally basically jumped ten feet in the air when he first met Alain,'' Dick laughed. ''I will forever hold that over his head.''

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