Chapter 11: A Concert Like No Other Part 2

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           ''I have a pretty good idea on who Siren just sang that song for,'' Roy says, looking right at Aqualad.

           The protege of Aquaman could not help but blush, and try to keep his composure, failing. Miss.Martian was slightly squealing, her inner Cupid going wild. Team Phantom were not really paying much attention to them.

          ''If it helps, I think you two would make a lovely couple,'' Pandora says in her motherly tone, but then went all mama bear. ''Hurt my son and I will unleash my box of horrors down upon you.''

           ''Calm down, Pandora,'' Clockwork says, calmly. ''For all I've seen this Atlantian do, he is worthy of Gold Siren.''

          ''Can't help it when a mother gets over protective of their child,'' Pandora crossed her two pairs of arms.

            ''It might already be established at this point, but Phantom and Gold Siren have a weird family,'' Jaime says.

           ''Do you expect anything less from a boy that's half ghost and another one that's a real life siren,'' Conner raised an eyebrow.

           ''No, I do not,'' Jaime admitted.

           ''Noted,'' Gar says.

           ''You should talk with Siren,'' Roy says to Aqualad. ''We all know you like him and that he likes you. People that say that me and Conner are the stubborn ones have obviously never met either of you.''

          ''I just... have never done that before,'' Kaldur admitted. ''Not since Tula.''

          ''Dude, if you two were meant to be than it would have happened,'' Dick said. ''While I may be a little apprehensive about you liking my brother, at least you're good enough for him. If it was anyone else, i'd beat their sorry behind silly.''

          ''Is that a southern twang, you're getting,'' Roy raised an eyebrow, snickering.

          ''By the gods, I am turning into White,'' Dick swore. ''I'm even saying god(s), plural, like him. We're close, but even we have our limits. Except him and Danny, as they are twins.''

          ''Now, i'm not gonna hog this stage all by myself,'' White says into the mic. ''I may be a singer, but behind every great singer is an even greater musician.''

          Danny then walked out onstage, the crowd erupting into cheers again. Sam, Tucker, and Valerie were grateful that they were wearing dark glasses so that the Team didn't find out their identities.

        The class was shocked. They saw two people they saw as 'losers' being treated like complete celebrities. Their ''parents'' were fuming how the twins liked having the attention of the ghosts and mystics.

         ''My brother's just being modest about this talent,'' Danny said. ''But one thing's for sure, we know how to rock.''

          Danny pulled out a guitar. The ghost members of Ember's band poof'ed' onto the stage and went to a bass, drums, and keyboard.

         ''Family is important to each and every one of us,'' White says. ''Weather human, ghost, mystic, or hero. Family support who you are as a whole. Not part of you, all of you is accepted. If there is one thing that I know, families are not always what they seem. Blood does not make a family, love does. And here's a song that shows who my family truly is.''

          ''I will free them from whatever control these pieces of garbage have on my baby boys,'' Maddie thought. ''We taught them more than this. These monsters can't have families because they can't love. They are just soulless beings that only know destruction.''

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