Chapter 21: A-List Issues

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              Everyone was shocked into silence because of the twins. They spoke with such rage and sorrow. They had more venom in their words than a tarantula and cobra put together. Some even thought they saw their eyes flash green and gold, but ignored it as effects of the Ghost Zone.

             "I hate to break it to you... wait, no I don't," Danny glares at the Fentons. "But ghosts and mystics are nothing like you think they are. They feel every bit of love that a human can. But if 'human' by definition is anything like you two, then i'd rather go back to Walker."

              "What's that supposed to mean," Jack yelled.

        "Easy," White says. "You two are human. Idiots, but human all the same. Yet you two seem to be more heartless than the beings you rage against. If humans are anything like you two,than comparing ghosts and mystics to humans would be an insult."

         "But we aren't bias monsters, like you," Danny growled. "We don't judge every human in the world just based on what we know about you. Not everyone is heartless, cruel, idiotic, or bias, like you."

          With that, the two took their leave. They vanished into the sea of party guests. All the ghosts and mystics glared at the former parents.

         "Well, that happened later than expected," Tucker says, taking out his PDA and going to his Notes app. "I expected them to break sooner. Who had 'After Confessions Of Love' in the betting pool."

           "Pretty sure it was Lena, Ma'gann, and surprisingly Alain," Krinos says.

           "Let this be a lesson to you," Alain said. "Wolf instincts never fail. Especially when it comes to sniffing out when someone is mad. It's how us werewolves survive being in our packs. When we know someone's mad, we leave."

            "Smart choice," Roy agreed.

            "I'm gonna go find Siren," Kaldur told the team. "He might need a shoulder, right now."

            "Good idea, Aqualad," Dick says. "And maybe Su... Where did Superboy go?"

              The team looked around and saw that the half Kryptonian clone had vanished.

            "Man, for a boy with super strength, he sure can sneak off," Jaime said.

           "Must have learned that trick from Nightwing from when he was still Robin," Roy snickered.

             "I heard that," Dick yelled, having gone after his brother's.

              "Dang it," Roy swore. "Does he have super hearing and just didn't tell us that he did?"

             "I heard that to," Dick yelled.

            "Maybe we should check ourselves for bugs," Gar says. "In case he's actually listening in."

            The team was not sure if he was joking, or not. With Beast Boy, it is very hard to tell if he is ever serious, or not. They just shrugged it off and rejoined the party. They didn't notice a certain pair of rich snobs staring at them with looks that say "this is our chance" written across their faces.

           "You think that Kaldur, Nightwing, and Conner can calm down the twins," Ma'gann asked. "They get really upset whenever the incident is brought up. And it's never been this bad."

      "She has a point," Sam says. "Not even we knew the full story of what had happened. At least, until now that is."

         "I still can't believe they kept something like that all to themselves for almost a year," Jaime said. "I can barely hold a grudge for more than a day, let alone keep that type of pain inside for that long."

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