Chapter 26: Never Anger A Phantom

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           Maddie took the ecto-cube in hand. After pressing a button to turn it on, she threw it. No one had time to react, other than one very protective little girl.

          ''Daddy,'' Dani cried.

          As Danny tried to throw an ecto-blast and White was about to scream, Dani pushed them both out of the way. The box landed at her feet and opened.

          ''DANI,'' Danny yelled.

         Out of the box came a blue, white, and green twister-like light. Except for the green part of it, it was almost like when they use the thermos on a ghost. Dani screamed as she was pulled into the box. Danny watched, in horror, as the cube closed.

         ''DANIELLE,'' team Phantom screamed.

           They all ran to the ecto-cube. Young Justice was close to their friends.

          ''Stand back, let me try something,'' White warned.

           They all took a step back as White took in a deep breath. He let out a direct, and powerful, sonic scream at the ecto-cube. It was like a straight shot version of his siren cry, which was a more concentrated and powerful version of Black Canary's canary cry.

           But when it hit the box, it seemed to absorb it. A lightning blast of sorts came out of it and shot White in the chest. He fell back a few yards.

           ''Siren,'' Kaldur gasped, running to his boyfriend.

           ''I'm okay,'' White groaned, holding his head as he was still dizzy. ''Reinforced black pearl, I should have known. Lesson learned.''

          Danny stood up, and he did not look happy. Turning to Jack and Maddie, his eyes glowed a fierce shine of green. It reminded Team Phantom of how he reacted to the breaking of Ember's love spell, or whenever Vlad does his usual taunting. But this was a whole other level of anger. One that you'd be very lucky to not be on the receiving end of.

           ''Uh oh,'' the hero teams gasps.

            ''You,'' Danny growled, giving the adults a deadly glare.

             The teams backed away from the angry ghost boy. He pushed out his hands, a green pulse blasting the adults against the wall.

            ''Let my daughter OUT,'' Danny shouted.

           The room was almost shaking from his rage. White was holding his lyre necklace, muttering away in Greek. It always calmed his down. The rest of Team Phantom was worried that he might let his rage take over and let Dan out to play. But the difference was that he was angry for the sake of someone he loved, meaning that Dan would not have much of an opening to come out.

           ''Why should we release a monster back into the world,'' Maddie insulted.

            ''She's a twelve year old girl that's already been through hell thanks to what Vlad had done to her,'' Valerie glared.

            "She's an abomination," Maddie sneered. "Just like these two. Like every other ghost and mystic there is. I can't wait to take you freaks in. We'll take great pleasure in making sure that your pathetic worlds burn, and both of your kinds with them."

            "RAAA," Danny shouted.

             His hands glowed their green color. He clapped them together, sending out a green wave. Almost like a sonic boom. The class was knocked off their feet, and even the mystics and ghosts had a hard time to stay upright. Danny has never looked so angry.

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