Chapter 6: Blood Blossom Barrage

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          The class had now gotten back the Specter Speeder Bus. They must have wondered around the prison for an hour looking for their stuff. It did not go unnoticed, by Team Phantom, how the Fenton adults were more relieved to have their weapons back than that their ''sons'' were safe from Walker.

         Course, the slight glares sent their way they did notice. They have been since they saw how the two acted inside the Ghost Zone. They obviously didn't like how the two had been to here before and how they trusted a number of ghosts. 

         Right now, they had stopped on one of the bare floating islands, just far enough away so Walker wouldn't be able to find them. Team Phantom was on their own, not near the rest of the class or the adults. 

         ''To be quite honest, I expected Walker to be the first problem we would face,'' Danny said, earning looks from the other four.

          ''And how could you have known that,'' Valerie asked, messing with her Red Huntress watch as she was glad to have it back.

          ''There are a good number of ghosts that are on our side, but still quite a few that hate us,'' Danny says. ''Even Skulker lightened up to us after White gave him a valuable pelt. And short of Pariah and Dan, Walker hates us the most.''

         ''What did you even give to Skulker,'' Sam asked White. ''Please tell me you didn't harm anything or anyone.''

         ''I'm hurt that you think so low of me,'' White sarcastically and dramatically said, faking a dagger in his heart movement.

         ''Oh gods,'' Valerie swore. ''Danny what have you done to my best friend! You've turned him into you.''

         ''Hey,'' Danny protested.

         ''I gave Skulker one of the sheep of Polyphemus, the cyclopes,'' White told them. ''He loved how rare a cannibalistic sheep was, so he stopped hunting us. He's actually nice when you get to know him. Who would have thought.''

         ''Here I was thinking that nothing could get Skulker to stop hunting you guys,'' Tucker said. ''He wanted your pelts and wanted them bad.''

         ''That's gross no matter who says it,'' Valerie stated. 

         ''Let's hope Walker is the only ghost we'll see for a while,'' Tucker practically begged the universe.

          White's eyes flashed gold for a moment. His siren super hearing at work.

         ''I'm not so sure about that, Tuck,'' he said.

         ''You just had to say something, didn't you,'' Valerie glare at the techno geek.

         ''It's like bad luck is woven into his DNA,'' Danny face-palmed. ''Sam, how do you put up with him?''

         ''Just takes practice and patience,'' Sam told him. ''Lots and lots of patience.''

        ''Hey,'' Tucker complained, making his girlfriend smile.

          Out of came nowhere came loud barking from, what sounded like, a puppy. The sound got the attention of the adults and everyone in the class. Danny and White lit up, almost literally in White's case. They only knew one ghost dog, and he could smell them a mile away.

          ''Got to love that dog,'' Danny cheered, getting the others to laugh.

          Cujo then came flying through the Ghost Zone sky. And the first thing the ghost dog did was go straight to Danny and tackle him to the ground, licking his face off. The entire time, Danny was laughing. Cujo then switched his attention to White.

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