Chapter 25: Twins Of War

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           Maddie let go of White's arm. The glowing eyes were enough to scare anyone that didn't know their secret. The two teams of heroes knew a showdown was bound to happen. 

           ''Well, at least this is happening after the party was over,'' Gar says.

           ''And here I thought that I was the optimist, here,'' Lena giggled.

            ''Be serious, you two,'' Roy snapped. ''Between Walker, the blood blossoms, her slapping Siren, the incident, and now this, we are in for one meager blow up.''

             ''In all honesty, I expected them to blow their tops sooner than this,'' Alain said. ''If anyone deserves a really good rant, it's them.''

             ''I think it's going to be more a beat down than a rant, this time,'' Jaime says.

            ''I have a feeling that we should take a couple of steps back,'' Tucker said.

            ''If Phantom uses his ghostly wail, there will be nowhere to hide,'' Valerie crossed her arms.

             ''If only we had some ear plugs,'' Conner says.

             Sam handed him a pair of Fenton-phones. She gave other pairs to everyone else. Even had enough left over for Krinos, Lena, Alain, and Dani. They all gave her weird looks.

         ''I'm on a team with a screaming siren and a ghost boy that demolished an army of demonic Christmas trees with a scream,'' she shrugged. ''Not to mention that episode with Ember's love song. I carry these everywhere.''

             ''And a lot of them, at that,'' Ma'gann says, putting them in her ears.

             ''Me and Valerie usually keep a pair on us for emergency communication purposes,'' Tucker said.

             ''We also tend to use them to avoid going deaf around those two,'' Valerie smirked. 

            ''Handy,'' Ma'gann complimented.

             ''You have no idea,'' Sam says.

              The tense air could be cut with a child's toy knife. Before White could do anything, Danny was the first to break it.

            ''We tried, we really did, but some people just don't care to admit when they're beat,'' the half ghost snapped.

              ''Or, in this case, admit when they're stupid and don't know jack about what they claim their geniuses in,'' White snickered.

              ''Did the twins just swap personalities,'' Gar asked, scratching his head. ''Cause Siren is being sarcastic while Phantom is the scary one.''

             ''W...What are you,'' Jack stuttered.

             ''The question is not 'what' we are,'' White smirked. ''But rather 'who' we are.''

             ''Oh, guess we should have seen this coming from a mile away,'' Valerie shook her head.

             ''It was bound to happen, alright,'' Jaime said.

               The twins both got their golden and green eyes. Everyone backed away from the two as they changed. Danny let his rings of light move over him. White shimmered golden waves. 

             Danny's was no longer the hazmat suit it used to be. He was in a black sweatshirt with his ''DP'' symbol on it. He also wore black pants with his white boots and white finger-less gloves. His had his snow white hair and glowing green eyes. The ghost pendent around his neck.

            White's a bit more bright. He was in a gold t-shirt under a white jacket with his gold finger-less gloves. He also wore white pants with his gold combat boots. He had gold streaked white hair and his pendent around his neck.

            ''Phantom and Gold Siren are in the house,'' Krinos whispered.

             Lena, having heard him, slapped the back of his head.

             ''Take a good look, Fenton,'' Danny growled. ''The two people that you've been raving against the past three years have been living under your roof the entire time. A kid that's half ghost and his siren heart brother. Time to grow up and see that the world of magic is about as black and white as a rainbow, you pathetic excuses for scientists.''


           ''How did this even happen,'' Kwan managed to asked.

           The twins turned to the class. Time for the most cut down version of  their life story.    

            ''The ghost portal, that just so happened to use to get to this zone in the first place, was the cause,'' White explained. ''Jack and Maddie had built it, but had failed to turn it on at their first attempt and they gave up. My brother went inside and he took the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' a little too seriously. He tripped and his hand pressed the 'ON' button.''

             Some of the class got faces, making it obvious that they all thought that was a bad idea. And not very bright.

             ''We know, stupid idea,'' White says.

             ''The portal had turn on with me inside and Siren by the entrance,'' Danny took over. ''My DNA was fused with ectoplasm, so I was made half ghost. My brother was caught up in the supernatural sound backlash from the Isle of Siren. It fused with his heart and made him a real life siren.''

            ''And before any of you ask,'' White says, glaring at the curious humans. ''Yes, my siren song can put other under my control. I've just never used it. In fact, I hate it.''

           ''Why,'' Star asked, politely. ''Having anyone do anything you want sounds like a good thing to me.''

             ''But that's also it,'' White says. ''It takes away a person's free will, their mind. Obsidian Siren did that with her song and enslaved the entire population of sirens aside from myself and Lena. Even as the new prince of sirens, I refuse to be like that psychotic former queen.''

            ''That's the down side to most of our powers,'' Alain told the humans. ''All magic comes at a price, in the words of a insufferable imp named Rumpelstiltskin. Vampires lose their souls, even if they're good people. Elemental lords, like Krinos, are immortal beings, so they have to stand by as anyone they care for ages and dies. I can hardly leave my island because most of things I touch turn to ice if i'm not focused.''

        ''Not everything about our lives are all puppies and rainbows or unicorns and leprechauns,'' Lena said. ''I've lost a lot of my siblings to delusional humans, like the GIW or Fentons. We've suffered more than you could ever imagine.''

          ''You don't know anything about us,'' Danny says. ''Which should be really obvious at this point. Especially me and my brother. The first time I fought Vlad, he nearly ripped Siren's wings off and beat the non-living daylights out of me. Between Fright Knight, Walker, the Goblin King, Obsidian Siren, Pariah Dark, you two, and the GIW, we're lucky to be alive.''

          ''Phantom, I hate to break it to you, but you're already dead,'' Ember smirked.

           ''Half dead,'' Danny reminded. ''You know what I mean, anyway.''

           ''The point being, we've had it,'' White snapped. ''Saving all your lives, stopping any evil ghosts and mystics, dealing with wimpy humans that hate us for no reason. We've had enough. This 'war' between humans and the supernatural is only in your heads. And we are just not part of it anymore. You're using our portal and going back. And if luck is finally on our side, we'll never have to see you pathetic excuses for parents ever again.''

           ''Twins of war are out, peace,'' Danny said, holding up a peace sign.

            They turned around and left.

            ''GUYS,'' Sam yelled.

              Maddie was raising the ecto-cube meant for Phantom.

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