Chapter 2: I Hate Field Trips

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           Danny went walking down the halls of Casper High trying not to be seen by Dash or any of the A-listers, especially Dash. You'd think that by grade ten they would have come to their senses and started to treat us like human beings​, even though I'm not but they don't know that.

          Dash had already confronted him, but just ignore the bully and went to his locker. Right as he gets to his locker I hear one of Dash's completely unoriginal taunts. It's starting to get very boring, and he's really not in the mood for him today, so he ignored him and hoped he gets the message.

          "Fenturd, you can't ignore me," Dash yelled, being as he is right behind me, oh joy. "You ignoring me makes me want to beat you even more."

          Apparently the message failed to send.

          "Good morning to you too, Dash,'' Danny greeted, not caring much.

           "What was that," Dash says,​ trying to sound intimidating even though it's really not working.

           Danny's been through far worse.

          "Nothing, Dash," he said absent-mindedly, as he continued to rummage through his locker. 

          Okay, now he's pissed him off. Dash says something along the lines of: 'You'll regret that,' as he punches him in the stomach, then the face. It really doesn't hurt but he need to act normal. So I bended over and reached for his stomach. He formed a fake ''OW'' face. Dash takes my 'moment of pain' as an opportunity to try and shove me into my locker. 

           Keyword: try. Little does he know that Danny's grown a lot and am now to tall to fit in my locker. He slouched to hide his body stature, not to mention the jacket and baggy jeans to hide the built body. He's actually very fit, and could definitely beat Dash without his ghostly strength. 

         When Dash tries and fails to stuff him into his locker, everyone​ gasps. He puts on a bored expression and talked to Dash.

         "Are we done now? I don't want to be late for class, again." 

         And with that he walked off. He left a dumbstruck Dash behind him.

         When he get to class, he still had the five minutes before the last bell rings. So he take his seat in the back corner of the room. He sit behind Tucker and next to Sam. White was on the other side of him with Valerie in front of the siren. The seating was kinda weird, since Sam and Tucker are dating. 

         When Danny sit down Tucker and Sam stopped their conversation and turned to me.

         "Dude, your early." Tucker starts.

          "What happened to getting beat up by Dash?" Sam finishes for him.

          "I left after Dash tried to push me into my own locker," Danny casually leaned back in his seat. "He was too enraged to notice me leave." 

          Sam clarifies. "So, you're telling me Dash finally learned that his punching bag can grow too?"

          "Wow, feeling the love, Sam," Danny answered, sarcastically.

           ''Ah, the classic sarcasm of my brother,'' White chuckled.

           "Dude, that's awesome," Tucker cuts in. "And Sam already used up all her kindness on me."

           Right then Mr. Lancer walks in with a fuming Dash trailing behind him. Seconds​ later the bell rings and everyone takes their seats. When class starts Danny and White zoned out and go into their little mind worlds. Sam pokes Danny every five minutes to make sure he didn't get any more detention than he usually does. Surprisingly​, no ghosts attack and they start thinking that today might be a good day. 

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