Chapter 10: A Concert Like No Other Part 1

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         The class saw as the two ''losers'' went into the nearest of the floating purple doors outside. Krinos, Lena, Pandora and Clockwork were right behind them. There was a ''click'' of a lock after it closed. Frostbite went to go stock up on more medical supplies. 

         That left Sam, Tucker, and Valerie to deal with a class of confused teenagers, a teacher that was still piecing things together, and a pair of ex-parents that were furious.

         ''They just had to leave us here with them,'' Tucker complained.

          ''It was either dealing with them, or a really pissed off Ember,'' Valerie reminded.

          ''They made the right choice,'' Tucker said.

          ''There are some things that not even Skulker would do,'' Sam says. ''Pissing off Ember is one of them.''

           ''We'd better get everyone to the concert before they start asking questions,'' Valerie said. ''Like 'how do they know ghosts' or 'what concert are they talking about.''

           ''Questions we can't answer,'' Tucker says.

        ''Not without ruining three years worth of secrets, ghost hunting, and progress with both the ghosts and mystics,'' Valerie crossed her arms. ''All of it ruined by someone stupid enough to think that sending a group of teenagers into a completely unknown and dangerous environment was a good idea. How is anyone that stupid.''

         ''Have you met the people that live in this town,'' Sam asked.

         ''Point made,'' Valerie says.

          ''I'm surprised that Krinos didn't turn Paulina into a tree when she screamed as he arrived,'' Tucker chuckled.

           ''If that was me, I would have ripped her that perfect little head off that shallow body and used it to go bowling,'' Sam growled, as she had always hated that perfect prissy brat.

           ''Maybe next time, vegi girl,'' Tucker smiled at her, taking her hand.

           Valerie looked at the two, a little envious.

           ''I really need to get a boyfriend,'' she admitted.

           The couple laughed at the Red Huntress. They then turned to the others. Valerie got their attention by using her whistle, probably rupturing their eardrums in the process.

           ''Now, that door is locked, so we will use this other door to get to the arena,'' Sam told them. ''Just follow us to the show.''

          Tucker opened a different purple door. The class was still in shock, so they just went in without question. The last to enter were the two adults. The three other members of Team Phantom noticed the not so hidden looks of fury on their face. It was more so after they saw how the twins reacted with a lord of nature and the siren of nature. First was three ghosts, now there was two mystics. Two of the most powerful mystics at that.

          ''That monstrous siren must have my baby boys under her song,'' Maddie growled in her head. ''That is the only explanation for why they're acting like these creatures have feelings. After I destroy that stupid pendent, i'll deal with her and free my little boys.''

         If she only had an idea on how wrong she truly was.

         When they went inside, the class was shocked by what they saw. The stage and arena was like an exact replica of the Hollywood Bowl. At first, the Bowl was very close to its natural state, with only makeshift wooden benches for the audience, and eventually a simple awning over the stage. But Ember decided to upgrade the Bowl, providing permanent seating and a shell. 

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